Dear Friends and Vibrant Readers,
There is so much happening that is inspiring and hopeful these days. I've made some wonderful connections this past couple of weeks with several talented health practitioners and healers. It seems like the whole world is healing. People are becoming aware of what was once unconsciously running their lives. True colors are being exposed, and yearnings for a spiritually fulfilling life are increasing.
Many of you have heard me talk about the new Omega 3-Anti-oxidant formula, Moxxor. I am very impressed with it, as it offers an effective solution to the unhealthy lack of this crucial fatty acid in Americans' diets. Omega 3 deficiency has been linked with brain problems, nervous system diseases, mood swings, and most of all general inflammation in the body.
In this issue of Vibrant Living, we feature an article by Dr. Mark Hyman, "Is Your Body Burning Up With Hidden Inflammation?" He offers his "7 Steps to Living an Anti-Inflammatory Life," and I highly recommend checking those out. We have formulas and products that support those steps, and Moxxor is primary.
Visit out Moxxor page, check out the information, and get on the monthly auto-ship. It is a great value and perfect way to get those crucial Omega 3s!
Until next time...
In vibrant health,

Shay Arave
Pure Energy Rx
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"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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10 Things the Food Industry Doesn't Want you to Know
With America's obesity problem among kids reaching crisis proportions, even junk food makers have started to claim they want to steer children toward more healthful choices. In a study released earlier this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that about 32 percent of children were overweight but not obese, 16 percent were obese, and 11 percent were extremely obese. Taking food advertising at face value allows the advertisers to fabricate and mis-direct about the "health benefits" of their products. Here are more truths they don't want you to know about:
- Junk food makers spend billions advertising unhealthy foods to kids. According to the Federal Trade Commission, food makers spend some $1.6 billion annually to reach children through the traditional media as well the Internet, in-store advertising, and sweepstakes.
- The studies that food producers support tend to minimize health concerns associated with their products. In fact, according to a review led by Ludwig of hundreds of studies that looked at the health effects of milk, juice, and soda, the likelihood of conclusions favorable to the industry was several times higher among industry-sponsored research than studies that received no industry funding.
- Junk food makers donate large sums of money to professional nutrition associations. The American Dietetic Association, for example, accepts money from companies such as Coca-Cola, which get access to decision makers in the food and nutrition marketplace via ADA events and programs.
- More processing means more profits, but typically makes the food less healthy. Minimally processed foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables obviously aren't where food companies look for profits. The big bucks stem from turning government-subsidized commodity crops?mainly corn, wheat, and soybeans?into fast foods, snack foods, and beverages.
- Less-processed foods are generally more satiating than their highly processed counterparts. Fresh apples have an abundance of fiber and nutrients that are lost when they are processed into applesauce. And the added sugar or other sweeteners increase the number of calories without necessarily making the applesauce any more filling.
- Many supposedly healthy replacement foods are hardly healthier than the foods they replace. In 2006, for example, major beverage makers agreed to remove sugary sodas from school vending machines. But the industry mounted an intense lobbying effort that persuaded lawmakers to allow sports drinks and vitamin waters that?despite their slightly healthier reputations?still can be packed with sugar and calories.
- A health claim on the label doesn't necessarily make a food healthy. Health claims such as "zero trans fats" or "contains whole wheat" may create the false impression that a product is healthy when it's not. While the claims may be true, a product is not going to benefit your kid's health if it's also loaded with salt and sugar or saturated fat, say, and lacks fiber or other nutrients.
- Food industry pressure has made nutritional guidelines confusing. The food industry has a history of preferring scientific jargon to straight talk. E.g., in 1977, after intense pushback by the cattle industry, public health officials used this less-direct and more ambiguous advice: "Choose meats, poultry, and fish which will reduce saturated fat intake." Overall, says Nestle, the government has a hard time suggesting that people eat less of anything.
- The food industry funds front groups that fight anti-obesity public health initiatives. Unless you follow politics closely, you wouldn't necessarily realize that a group with a name like the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) has anything to do with the food industry. In fact, they lobby against anti-obesity campaigns.
- The food industry works aggressively to discredit its critics. According to the new JAMA article, the Center for Consumer Freedom boasts that "[our strategy] is to shoot the messenger."
The bottom line? We and our kids need to eat less, include more fruits and vegetables, and limit the junk food.
HCG Dieters Gourmet Cookbook - HCG Dieter Gourmet Cookbook contains over 200 recipes for the 2nd phase of the Dr. Simeons HCG diet plan. With this cookbook you'll be able to go through the restrictive phase of the diet and still enjoy tasteful and original meals. All the recipes in the HCG Dieter Gourmet Cookbook are sugar-free.
Is Your Body Burning Up With Hidden Inflammation?
If your immune system and its ability to quell inflammation in your body are impaired, watch out. You are headed toward illness and premature aging. Fortunately, addressing the causes of inflammation and learning how to live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle can dramatically improve your health. Today, I am going to review what the primary causes of inflammation are and give you a simple, 7-step approach that will help you cool the fires raging out of control in your body. >>>> MORE
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By Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney, Women's Health is a definitive look at the relationship between digestive enzymes and hormones, and how hormonal imbalances in women can be traced back to enzyme deficiencies. This book is a logical, no-nonsense evaluation of the current medical approaches that overlook digestive enzymes as an ultimate solution. Dr. Fuller-Looney makes her case by showing that the symptoms of protein malabsorption are the same as the symptoms of menopause. DOWNLOAD HERE
 | Find it at Rawpower.com! | |