Whole Body-Mind Eating
A small yet growing body of research suggests that a slower, more thoughtful way of eating could help with weight problems and maybe steer some people away from processed food and other less-healthful choices.
This alternative approach has been dubbed "mindful eating." It's based on the Buddhist concept of mindfulness, which involves being fully aware of what is happening within and around you at the moment. In other areas, mindfulness techniques have been proposed as a way to relieve stress and alleviate problems like high blood pressure and chronic gastrointestinal difficulties.
Applied to eating, mindfulness includes noticing the colors, smells, flavors, and textures of your food; chewing slowly; getting rid of distractions like TV or reading; and learning to cope with guilt and anxiety about food. Some elements of mindful eating seem to hearken back to the ideas of Horace Fletcher, an early 20th century food faddist who believed chewing food thoroughly would solve many different kinds of health problems.
Experts suggest starting gradually with mindful eating, eating one meal a day or week in a slower, more attentive manner. Here are some tips (and tricks) that may help you get started:
- Set your kitchen timer to 20 minutes, and take that time to eat a normal-sized meal.
- Try eating with your non-dominant hand; if you're a righty, hold your fork in your left hand when lifting food to your mouth.
- Use chopsticks if you don't normally use them.
- Eat silently for five minutes, thinking about what it took to produce that meal, from the sun's rays to the farmer to the grocer to the cook.
- Take small bites and chew until all the material is liquified, then swallow.
Before opening the fridge or cabinet, take a breath and ask yourself, "Am I really hungry?" Do something else, like reading or going on a short walk.
Several studies have shown that mindful eating strategies might help treat eating disorders and possibly help with weight loss. Psychologist Jean Kristeller at Indiana State University and colleagues at Duke University conducted an NIH-funded study of mindful eating techniques for treatment of binge eating. The randomized controlled study included 150 binge eaters and compared a mindfulness-based therapy to a standard psychoeducational treatment and a control group. Both active treatments produced declines in binging and depression, but the mindfulness-based therapy seemed to help people enjoy their food more and have less sense of struggle about controlling their eating. Those who meditated more (both at mealtimes and throughout the day) got more out of the program.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: To ensure full assimilation of the nutrients in the food you are consciously eating, use our DigestZyme enzyme formula along with our E-2 Digest Aid. For weight issues, use our remarkable Slenderiiz Weight Loss System from Ariix.
Maintaining Health in a Disease-Centered World
Out of suffering can come profound transformation; It can deepen and strengthen our life purpose. But it is best to find a path to optimal health that can help us remain healthy and in right balance, even in the face of illness or disease.
The good news is that great strides have been made in whole person health care. The integration of body, mind, and spirit has become a key dimension of health education and disease prevention and treatment. Despite many advances in a wide range of holistic approaches, however, our health care system remains primarily disease-centered rather than addressing the well-being of our whole being.
To thrive as individuals and as members of healthy communities, we are called on to develop our inner wisdom, derived from direct personal experiences of illness and health, and transformative practices that promote our health and well-being-allowing us to move from surviving to thriving.
7 Key Tenets of Consciousness and Healing
- An integral approach to healing involves a whole-systems approach based in healing and the restoration of wholeness. We are part of an interconnected whole that includes biological, personal, cultural, and transpersonal dimensions.
- Understanding consciousness and awareness helps us understand and experience health and well-being, including our will to live, grow, and die with grace.
- Our interpersonal relationships are a vital part of our integral nature and they impact our health and well-being.
- It is hard to be healthy in a sick society and we have different levels at which we are part of the social fabric in conscious and unconscious ways. Social healing offers a path to mend present and historical wounds that have been created by conflict, collective trauma, and large scale oppression.
- Our connections to our and other's culture and worldview opens us to our connection to tradition and diverse ways of knowing and being in the world and to a wide range of complementary healing systems.
- Much of standard medicine, with its high tech and low-touch approaches, removes healing from its ground in nature. Moving from a view of separation from nature to one of fundamental interconnectedness and our ability to perceive the beauty and sacred language of nature.
- Spiritual interconnectedness. Life is the great teacher. Our ability to see the way to a new approach to health and healing requires deep humility in the face of wonder and mystery. Gratitude, love, and compassion are essential tools to an inclusive and whole-hearted healing system.
Clean Sweep to immediately neutralize negative human emotions, either emanating from yourself or others.
Clean Sweep sets up a temporary buffer so the body can get some relief from a turbulent environment. Follow up with the
E-1 Formula.
Wonder What's In Your Subconscious? Look At Your Body
According to Dr Candace Pert, an internationally recognised neuroscientist and pharmacologist who published over 250 research articles and was a significant contributor to the emergence of Mind-Body Medicine as an area of legitimate scientific research in the 1980's, your body is your subconscious mind.
In particular, Candace formulated a theory of the emotions, mediated by receptor-active peptides, such as the neuropeptides and immune system cytokines, as the agents that integrated communication between the brain and the body. Candace thought emotions were stored in the body and that healthy communication via emotional expression was key to integrating the mind and the body. Wellness practices such as somatic, behavioral, and contemplative practices thereby had a physiological basis and could be used to promote or enhance health and recovery from illness. It would marshal the body's native repair and regenerative systems, providing a modern interpretation for the "wisdom of the body".
What Dr Pert found was that our feelings, habitual reactions, and beliefs are embedded in our bodies, across our central nervous system, connective tissue, and fascia. "In recent years some of the world's leading biochemists, physiologists, systems theorists and consciousness researchers have turned their attention to this mysterious substance known as fascia. Often the terms connective tissue or soft tissue are used interchangeably for fascia but this is somewhat misleading as they would imply a fibre- or muscle-type material when actually, fascia is primarily a fluid gel found throughout the body. To understand fascia, we have to understand a fourth state of matter in between solid and liquid (plasma) and also the behaviour of liquid crystals."
Try this: Tell yourself before falling asleep, "I intend to become aware of the most painful experiences of my life and where they are lodged in my body." You'll be amazed at how your brain will work to gather this information for you while you rest. Once these awarenesses start to come to you, heed the body's calls for what it may need in terms of exercise, food, breathing, environment, etc., and allow all emotions to flow freely. In this way, the body can finally release its wounds.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Letting go of limitations or worn-out foundations requires asking the questions that open up more possibilities. Let our Meditation Elixirs help you with that.
Company & Product News
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Trinity Turquoise Elixir is on sale for a month for 30% off with discount code TURQ30 (enter the code in the indicated box as you checkout through the website shopping cart--offer good until 8/15/16).
This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, President
Moving Shmoving... What I Learned About Housing

I don't particularly like to move--I mean change residences. There's not only a lot of physical labor involved, but there are all the decisions to be made and a huge amount of extra tasks, so if you are a busy entrepreneur like myself, how do you fit it all in (in more ways than one)? That said, here's my moving story... I hope you find it...uh... moving.
The landlord, we'll call him Brad, was a typical one: very cheap--would only fix things that would save him money. If it didn't save him money, he didn't fix it. Other than that, we were on good terms. In fact, he and his wife visited to see how I was taking care of their property and he said, "We hope you'll stay here as long as you like." That was back at the beginning of April.
Two weeks later, I got a notice in my mailbox to vacate with the minor admonishment "we have changed our minds" as the intro. I now had 30 days to "git out"... It seemed like a reasonable time (although legally in California tenants are entitled to 60 days--especially if they have a home office); so I didn't say anything.
A few days later, I ran into Brad and asked him what was up with the mind-changing, and he said he was turning the place into an Air BnB. "Gotta make money for retirement!" he chortled. I was deadpan. "Well, good luck with that."
A couple of days later I carved out some time to start looking at house rentals, and what began to dawn on me was that Quemado has a sellers' market going on big time with housing, and a housing shortage on top of that. I was looking for a small cottage (they call them "casitas" here) that allowed a small dog. Turns out everybody was looking for the same thing, it seemed.
I signed up for all the real-time email alerts with Craigslist, Home.com, Zillow, and others. I'd call as soon as I'd get the alert and the typical response (if I got a response at all) was, "Oh, we've had 20 calls already! Isn't that great!" Well, for you, maybe...
I realized I had to up my game, so I put everything else on the back burner to concentrate on this search for a residence that seemed to become more and more elusive. I looked at probably 20 places, and all were either too expensive or had no pets policies, or mold, or other deal breakers--and I wasn't really being all that picky.
June 1st was in two days, and I hadn't nailed down a place yet. I did have one, but it was being remodeled and wouldn't be ready until the 5th. I figured the Brad would let me have a few days grace, but, no. "No, no, no! I have construction guys coming on the first to tear down that wall in your place, so you gotta be out!" Ugh. It dawned on me that now I had two things to do: 1. Find somewhere to store my stuff, and 2. Find somewhere for Wookie (my doggie) and I to live temporarily while I finalized a rental.
I remembered a friend of mine, back in April, had said, "Well, if you need a place temporarily, I've got plenty of room." I called her. "Hey, great timing! I'm gonna be out of town for two weeks, so you could take care of the dog while you're here." Perfect. It was only about 10 minutes away, so now I just needed to put my stuff somewhere.
For the last two years, I had rented garage space with the house next door, to set up my infrared sauna and store some stuff that I had trouble fitting into the 500 sq. ft. I had to work with. It went great until the ownership changed, and the fiery redhead from San Francisco, Megan, told me to pack it all out of the garage. She was turning the place into an...you guessed it... Air BnB. I sold the sauna, and squeezed everything else back into my place.
Since then, I noticed the garage remained empty, so I called Megan to ask if I could store my stuff in there for a month while I found a new place. "Sure. Gimme fifty bucks." OK--second problem solved.
The place with the remodel ended up to be untenable. Not because of the building, but the landlady ended up being nuts. She doubled the deposit after we had an agreement, and I found out from a friend that she was dog-phobic. So, I spent the next month, nearly every day, scouting places. I covered all of Quemado County (which is a big piece of land), looked at more places with hope waning. My house host returned from her trip, and I told her my predicament. "Well, maybe you should be looking for a situation rather than just a building." Huh. Then I realized what I really wanted was to live somewhere where the people were conscious and community driven.
I posted my pitch on the Quemado Conscious Housing Group on Facebook, and somehow, the energy seemed much lighter. In two days I got a hot lead. It was for a casita right across the street from where I had been, and I knew several of the people there already because they had been neighbors! The name of the place: Zen Casitas. Two yoga teachers, a couple of writers, and nice, aware people.
The irony made me laugh. I immediately called the management company and after a few days, the lease was signed and I was rapidly deposited in my new place with Wookie.
The moral to the story is that if you're attempting to actualize something, make sure it's not something else you're not acknowledging that you're making a deal breaker. As I was running around Quemado County looking at places, I was unconsciously running everything through a filter of requirements that I wasn't acknowledging to myself. So, the Universe in all it's wisdom kept sending me on a wild goose chase until I finally coughed up the real reason I needed to move into a new place. After all, a home isn't just a building. It's partly reflecting what you believe you are...
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin,