Dear Friends and Vibrant Readers,
Do you remember what makes the Four Biochemical Types unique? Each not only has unique food preferences, enzyme deficiencies and dominant glands, but also common personality traits! So how would each of the Biochemical Types likely proceed from here?
- Type 1 (Para) would excitedly go and tell everyone they know... after eating some carbs!
- Type 2 (Estro/Testro) would think of a loved one who would benefit... after first craving something fatty!
- Type 3 (Supra) would want to take charge and take action... after they finished their steak!
- Type 4 (Neuro) would probably want some more information first... plus a big glass of milk!
So which type are you? Take our
body type evaluation and discover for yourself. And, remember with an order of two or more on our Transformation Enzyme collection you receive a
1/3 OFF DISCOUNT, all orders over $150.00 receive
FREE shipping.
Astrologically, the sun enters the sign of Cancer. Use this energy to set an intention with the new moon of mothering and nurturing yourself more. I've noticed this has become very important lately as the cycles we all find ourselves in hold us in a "suspended animation." It's as if the Gods have put us in an in-between state as we let go of old goals and comfort zones, while something new and unexpected gestates in the unknown of our lives. I know I'm feeling it!
Cleanse the body with whole fresh organic fruits and veggies. Move the body, explore new recipes, give up an old worn out habit, treat yourself to a massage, a hot bath with epsom salts, nurture, renew, revive.
And until next time, many blessings friends and Vibrant Readers, you are my greatest inspiration!
Until next time...
In vibrant health,

Shay Arave
Pure Energy Rx
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"Laugh at yourself and at life. Not in the spirit of derision or whining self-pity, but as a remedy, a miracle drug, that will ease your pain, cure your depression, and help you to put in perspective that seemingly terrible defeat and worry with laughter at your predicaments, thus freeing your mind to think clearly toward the solution that is certain to come." -- Og Mandino
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Natural Weight Loss Tips
It is estimated that over 60% of American adults are overweight, you are considered overweight if you have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of over 25%. With a statistic like that, diets and weight loss programs have become popular in recent years. The conundrum is to lose that weight while staying healthy and NOT using drugs and gimmicks that may be more harmful in the long run.
- Make Meals Last Longer - The body almost a half hour to signal the brain that you are full. Make your meals last at least twenty minutes.
- Water, Water, And More Water - Water stimulates your metabolic rate, which in turn, helps the body process stored fat.
- Hot Spicy Foods Can Help - Hot, spicy foods and mustards can increase metabolism by as much as 40%.
- Drink Less Caffeinated Products - Especially high-sugar carbonated drinks--cut it in half.
- High Fiber Foods - They help digestion and move the waste through your system easier.
- Stay Positive - The better you feel about where you are going, the more likely you are to get there.
- Flavor And Taste - Using spices makes your food more exciting and you can stay with the diet plan longer.
- Exercise And Then Exercise Some More!! - Diet alone will not get you to your weight loss goal. Exercise is the key to the whole process.
HCG Dieters Gourmet Cookbook - HCG Dieter Gourmet Cookbook contains over 200 recipes for the 2nd phase of the Dr. Simeons HCG diet plan. With this cookbook you'll be able to go through the restrictive phase of the diet and still enjoy tasteful and original meals. All the recipes in the HCG Dieter Gourmet Cookbook are sugar-free.
- Vegetarians Have Less Cancer Risk
Fresh evidence from the largest study to date to investigate dietary habits and cancer has concluded that vegetarians are 45% less likely to develop cancer of the blood than meat eaters and are 12% less likely to develop cancer overall...
- Cursing at pain lessens it
It has long been a cliche: the woman in childbirth screaming curse words at her husband. Now, there's scientific research that may explain why people in pain often use offensive language--the cursing may actually lessen the perception of pain...
- Activating Stem Cells from Within
Fate Therapeutics, a startup based in La Jolla, CA, aims to harness the body's ability to heal itself by developing drugs that stimulate resident stem cells. Rather than developing cell transplants to replace diseased or damaged tissue, which is the focus of a great deal of stem-cell research, Fate is searching for molecules that can control the behavior of adult stem cells in different parts of the body...
- A Mother's Health Before Conception Affects Offspring
Researchers found that the effects of nutrition, such as a high-fat diet and vitamin B and folate deficiencies, as well as diseases such as diabetes, during this time could trigger epigenetic changes that manifest in offspring as obesity, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular disease...
- Eating Habits in the Obese May Echo Drug Addicts' Patterns
When it comes to weight control, it might not be the kind of snack that matters, but who eats it. When researchers gave similarly "sinful" snacks to obese and non-obese women, the healthy-weight women wanted less of the treat over time, but obese women kept wanting more....
We recommend...
By Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney,
Women's Health is a definitive look at the relationship between digestive enzymes and hormones, and how hormonal imbalances in women can be traced back to enzyme deficiencies. This book is a logical, no-nonsense evaluation of the current medical approaches that overlook digestive enzymes as an ultimate solution. Dr. Fuller-Looney makes her case by showing that the symptoms of protein malabsorption are the same as the symptoms of menopause.