Dear Friends and Vibrant Readers,
Ultimately, it is not just being mindful of our surroundings and what we are putting into or speaking out from our bodies, but more importantly, being mindful of our thoughts. Dr. David Hawkins in his newest book, Healing and Recovery, makes the point over and over that the mind trumps the body. In other words, the body mirrors what is going on in the mind--not the other way around. Adding impeccability to mindfulness keeps us on that straight and narrow path to perfect health, a joyous mind, and ultimately Self-realization.
That Path is a path of Service--to self and the reflections of Self, Others. Our family, friends and associates are all mirroring our thoughts, intentions and circumstances. So, change your mind, change your life.
The above is a reflection of what I have done lately to open my mind and life to greater abundance and the funneling in of more fun and joyful moments. There is nothing so good as being a part of another's successes and at the same time succeeding yourself.
Until next time...
In vibrant health,

Shay Arave
Pure Energy Rx
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"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday." -- John Wayne
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9 Ways Humor Heals
G. K. Chesterton once wrote: "Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly." And Proverbs 17:22 says that "a happy heart is good medicine." I'd add that human beings and their caretakers can heal and find joy again if they learn how to laugh. Here are just a few ways a dose of humor might transform something ugly and stressful to slightly entertaining, and, well, a tad less catastrophic.
- Humor Combats Fear - Humor disengages fear because it changes your perspective both on the past and the present.
- Humor Comforts - There is an unspoken message hidden within a chuckle that says this: "I promise, you'll get through this." Just like the comforting hug of your mom when you were three.
- Humor Relaxes - When people use humor, the autonomic nervous system just tones down a bit to take it off high gear, and that allows the heart to relax.
- Humor Reduces Pain - In a hospital study, surgical patients exposed to humor perceived less pun (eh!) as compared to patients who didn't receive humor stimuli.
- Humor Boosts the Immune System - Researchers found that two hormones, beta-endorphins (which alleviate depression) and human growth hormone (HGH, which helps with immunity) increased by 27 and 87 percent respectively.
- Humor Reduces Stress - Researchers have found that blood hormone levels showed that the three main stress hormones are reduced 39, 70, and 38 percent respectively.
- Humor Spreads Happiness - There are 5,000 laughter clubs around the world-where people laugh for no reason at all. Remember, laughter is contagious!
- Humor Cultivates Optimism - Research now shows it is physiologically impossible to be in a state of appreciation and a state of fear at the same time. Thus, appreciation is the antidote to fear, and fastest way there is through humor.
- Humor Helps Communication - Humor is a way to articulate those truths that are so difficult to express otherwise. >>> MORE
The Big "Fat" Question
Is fat in the diet essential? Yes! A variety of diets including recommendations from the American Heart Association and the Diabetes Association speak of the importance of fat in the diet. However, a big question still remains: Is the person who is consuming even the best of dietary fats able to break them down to the proper fatty acids that can be used by the cell? If you are lacking the ability to break down fats, then no diet that tells you to consume even the best of fats will be beneficial. In fact, even good fats could actually be detrimental to your health. >>> ARTICLE
New Subtle Energy Product
Dr. Yury Kronn has developed a new "energy spray," that neutralizes negative or life-depressing energies. Tangible energetic emanations linger the in the environment from all kinds of sources: distress, suffering, depression, anxiety, traums, difficult relationships, as well as electrical devices and equipment such as computers and televisions. Called "Clean Sweep," this 8 oz. spray bottle can be used for nearly immediate effect for clearing out bad energies from a room, calm anxious children or pets, and relax the body. >>>> MORE
Life Energy Pack
Hook your body up to a life energy battery! Give your body the energy it needs to heal itself. Most naturopathic physicians will tell you that the main problem with giving herbal formulas or homeopathics, is that very often their patients' bodies lack enough ENERGY to fully utilize the healing properties of the medicines. To help fix this, the doctors will then prescribe dietary fasts, massage or acupuncture in an attempt to get energy into the body system. Once this has been done, then the herbal formulas will have much more punch and less waste.
Modern-day quantum physics has begun to scientifically explain these ancient practices, and new technologies are now available as a result. Quantum physics refers to this life energy, or "chi," as SUBTLE ENERGY. Without having to get too technical, the laws of quantum physics allow that life energy can be transferred from one substance to another. This is where the Life Energy Super Pack comes in... >>>> MORE INFO
- BLOGOSPHERE: Meatless Mondays
Huffington Post blogger and vegetarian proponent, Kathy Freston reports on launching "Meatless Mondays": I know that some vegetarians pooh pooh Meatless Monday as not enough. I'm sympathetic to that view, but I think it's unnecessarily strident. For people who think that going totally vegetarian is too challenging, the Meatless Monday campaign offers a gentle entrée into the idea of eating without eating animals...
- Happiness is contagious in social networks
New research shows that in a social network, happiness spreads among people up to three degrees removed from one another. That means when you feel happy, a friend of a friend of a friend has a slightly higher likelihood of feeling happy too...
- Constipation May Lead to Other Problems
In a review of the scientific evidence, researchers found that constipation might lead to or boost the risk for more serious complications such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, fecal incontinence, colonic conditions and urologic disorders...
- Eating Well On the Road
Don't let the road to a summer vacation put you on a crash course with an unhealthy, fast-food diet. "Nowadays, you can eat a healthy, balanced, calorie-appropriate meal no matter where you travel," Duke University's Elisabetta Politi, nutrition director of the North Carolina school's diet and fitness center, said in a news release. To eat better on the road, Politi suggests...
- Genetic markers found for coping without sleep
Numerous studies have shown that lack of sleep hurts?it can lead to weight gain, diseases, and of course weakened cognitive functioning. But a bad night?s sleep doesn?t hurt everyone equally. Unlike me, some people can think clearly no matter what. A study published June 24th in The Journal of Neuroscience helps explain why...
- Weed-Whacking Herbicide Proves Deadly to Human Cells
Used in gardens, farms, and parks around the world, the weed killer Roundup contains an ingredient that can suffocate human cells in a laboratory, researchers say...
- Music May Help Keep Your Cardiovascular System in Tune
Music may calm the savage beast or, at least, make the workday seem shorter. A new study now adds cardiovascular health to the list of music's potential benefits, suggesting it can directly trigger physiological changes that modulate blood pressure, heart rate and respiration...
- Chewing almonds may boost satiety
Thorough chewing of almonds may increase the absorption of unsaturated fat and suppress hunger for longer, according to findings from Purdue University...
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By Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney,
Women's Health is a definitive look at the relationship between digestive enzymes and hormones, and how hormonal imbalances in women can be traced back to enzyme deficiencies. This book is a logical, no-nonsense evaluation of the current medical approaches that overlook digestive enzymes as an ultimate solution. Dr. Fuller-Looney makes her case by showing that the symptoms of protein malabsorption are the same as the symptoms of menopause.