Shay continues her odyssey at the Optimum Health Institute in Quemado. She has become an indispensible member of the operations team down there, tending the onsite gardens, teaching breathing classes and leading exercise sessions. She reported that she has the potentially unpopular task of waking everyone for their morning constitutionals...a task she enjoys for the opportunity to get everyone started in good mood.
Meanwhile, I continue my music tour oddyssey across Middle America and Canada. The band had the opportunity to perform at the Tremblant Bluesfest at the Tremblant Resort 60 miles north of Montreal, as well as the gigantic Ottawa, Ontario, Musicfest. Great crowds, such wonderful cultural diversity all united under the universal banner of music. During our forays across the Midwest, we've been awed by the fantastic displays of thunderstorms--rare phenomena in Western Oregon. During a visit with my sister in Kansas City, we drove down highways with lightening flashing all around us, she acted like it was just another minor weather system. I was literally thunderstruck.
Special thanks goes out to, Kayci, our capable office expeditor, who has been tending to the shipping and other office tasks while we have been away. Things should return to "normal" next week when I return from touring.
As summer peaks, enjoy the beaming sun, envigorating heat, and Mother Nature's light shows!
Foods to Fight Fatigue...
Tired. Drained. Pooped. No matter how you put it, you're beat and need to drum up some energy. You are not alone. Many people have trouble getting in gear in the morning, experience the afternoon slump, or just want to crash on the couch in the evening. The exhaustion can be a constant problem for some folks. According to the CDC, 2.2 million Americans experience marked fatigue lasting at least six months. Sluggishness can be caused by many factors, but experts say poor nutrition is a big culprit. A well-balanced diet, on the other hand, can boost energy.
The forgotten meal: Research shows breakfast improves alertness and concentration, helps shed pounds by preventing overeating during the day, and prevents obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Complex Carbohydrate Charge: The best way to maximize the body's potential for energy is to eat a combination of complex and simple carbohydrates. Foods such as whole grains and starchy vegetables such as potatoes, squash, pumpkin, and carrots fall into this category.
Fat Force: choose polyunsaturated fats such as vegetable oils and seafood, and monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, meat, and poultry. The unsaturated variety can help lower "bad" LDL cholesterol.
The Weight of Water: Dehydration is one of the leading causes of a lack of energy. If you're not well hydrated, your body puts its resources into maintaining your water balance instead of into giving you energy.
The amount of food you eat can also make a difference. If someone overeats constantly, they tend to gain more weight and become lethargic. Other dietary reasons for fatigue include too much alcohol (which is a depressant) and lack of certain vitamins and minerals. Low iron is a common problem for women. MORE
Life Energy Pack
Hook your body up to a life energy battery! Give your body the energy it needs to heal itself. Most naturopathic physicians will tell you that the main problem with giving herbal formulas or homeopathics, is that very often their patients' bodies lack enough ENERGY to fully utilize the healing properties of the medicines. To help fix this, the doctors will then prescribe dietary fasts, massage or acupuncture in an attempt to get energy into the body system. Once this has been done, then the herbal formulas will have much more punch and less waste.
Modern-day quantum physics has begun to scientifically explain these ancient practices, and new technologies are now available as a result. Quantum physics refers to this life energy, or "chi," as SUBTLE ENERGY. Without having to get too technical, the laws of quantum physics allow that life energy can be transferred from one substance to another. This is where the Life Energy Super Pack comes in... >>>> MORE INFO
Empathy comes naturally to children: Study When children see others in pain, their brains respond as if it were happening to them, U.S. researchers said on Friday. This response, which also has been shown in adults, suggests that normal school-age children may be naturally prone to empathy, they said...
Check Yourself for Genetic Abnormalities Nearly every day, somebody in the research community claims to have found a genetic marker associated with some sort of health condition. If you are curious and want to check yourself for those inherited traits, there are several options at your disposal. Some are easy, others are quite hard, but none of them are cheap...
Parenting style reflected in how children are fed Parents' general approach to raising their children is often apparent in how they manage their kids' diets -- suggesting that efforts to control childhood obesity need to consider family dynamics, according to researchers...
Fat men have bad sperm Too many fatty foods are dangerous not only to men's waistlines, but to their sperm production. In research presented Wednesday at a meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, scientists found that obese men have worse sperm than normal-weight men...
Study Shows Sexual Satisfaction at 70 Improving A study from Gothenburg University in Sweden, showed that self-reported levels of sexual satisfaction among 70-year-olds in Gothenburg has been on the rise, from 58 percent of 70-year-old men reporting satisfaction in 1976-77 to 71 percent reporting sexual satisfaction in 2000-01. Among women, the increase was from 41 percent to 62 percent during the same period...
Eating to Prevent Cancer Proper nutrition and diet are important in helping to prevent many diseases and colorectal cancer is no exception. In the fight against this disease, nutritional guidelines include eating less fat and getting more nutrients from the food you eat rather than from supplements...
Turn off TV during meals or kids may get fat: study Everyone knows what too much television can do to the mind and what too little exercise can do to the body, but a Canadian study has now shown that the boob tube can also lead to an increase in how much we eat...
Helpful Bacteria May be Hiding in Your Appendix Your appendix is a small dead-end tube connected to a section of your large intestine. It has long been thought to be a vestigial remnant of some other organ, but there is little evidence for an appendix in our evolutionary ancestors. Some researchers now believe that the appendix is a "safe house" for friendly bacteria...
By Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney, Women's Health is a definitive look at the relationship between digestive enzymes and hormones, and how hormonal imbalances in women can be traced back to enzyme deficiencies. This book is a logical, no-nonsense evaluation of the current medical approaches that overlook digestive enzymes as an ultimate solution. Dr. Fuller-Looney makes her case by showing that the symptoms of protein malabsorption are the same as the symptoms of menopause. DOWNLOAD HERE
AUDIO: "The Missing Piece of the Health Puzzle"
VIDEO: Dr. DicQie Fuller tells her story about the Transformation Enzyme Company.
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