Hello, Vibrant Reader!
Let's use more parsley...
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum), the world's most popular culinary herb is also known as rock celery and belongs to the Umbelliferae family of plants. Parsley is one of the world's seven most potent disease-fighting spices including Ginger, Oregano, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Sage, and Red Chili Peppers. Parsley grows in most climates and is readily available throughout the year. It is a biennial plant, meaning it produces seeds during its second year of production and will reseed itself if you let it.
While parsley is a wonderfully nutritious and healing food, it is often under-appreciated. Most people do not realize that this vegetable has more uses than just being a decorative garnish that accompanies restaurant meals.
With this said, I hope all of you will appreciate the spray of parsley demurely placed on your plate at dinner. And, go out and buy yourself some parsley plants, they are easily grown. They will not do to well in the heat of the summer, but will reseed and come back full swing, more hearty with each passing year. They make lovely bouquets during the year combined with other herbs picked from the garden.
I have for years create herb bouquets for our home, lovingly placed in the office, bedside or wherever else suits me. It truly is the simpler things in life that bring us the most joy.
Pineapple Sage is our newest herb garden addition for the year. It is divine and smells... yes, you guessed it, just like pineapple!
I am once again planning a journey to the Optimum Health Institute in Quemado, California. Living the raw food lifestyle continues to be an interest, and there really is no better place to acclimate to this lifestyle then at OHI. I am applying for the 3-month internship, hoping to begin my journey in early fall. Needless to say, this is a big commitment, and if accepted, I will throw myself into with heart and soul.
It is simply an investment in one's health and the opportunity to be in service to the numbers of attendees over the course of the three months. Personally, I hope for the opportunity to teach the daily yoga... and have first hand experience in the raw food kitchen, bringing back home a wealth of experience to share with each of you. Raw is not boring--it is simply different and can be just as captivating as the finest French meal on the Boulevard de Champs Elysees.
May your summer continue to be vibrant, dreams realized and joyous adventure on the menu daily.
Until next week...
In vibrant health,

Shay Arave
Pure Energy Rx
Five steps to wellness...
We ran across this great new tool that assesses your personal level of wellness from 12 different angles. Once the assessment is completed, you can print it out, and then subscribe to a series of followups for one year. The tips and advice are tailored to your assessment, so it's easy to stay motivated and on track. The program is only $39.95 per year, and is very well worth it in helping to really focus on what needs to be done to improve your wellness level; and, to help slice through all the distractions in getting there.
The Wellness Inventory Whole Person Assessment Program can reveal your level of wellness, identify potential areas of change, and help guide you to meet your wellness goals through these 5 Steps to Wellness:
Step 1 - Assessment: Assess yourself in 12 dimensions of wellness.
Step 2 - Scores: Wellness & Satisfaction scores, areas of strength.
Step 3 - Personal Wellness Plan: Create 10 wellness goals based the areas you are most motivated to change.
Step 4 - Tools to Help You Reach Your Wellness Goals
Step 5 - Resources for ongoing wellness
www.MyWellnessTest.com (enter group name Tristar)...
Introducing Candice Covington
Through a series of lovely synchronicities, Shay met aromatherapist and energy worker, Candice Covington. Candice agreed to post her series of articles on our website, as part of the Vibrant Living Newsletter. Needless to say, we are thrilled! Candice is a gifted healer, excellent writer, and one of America's most knowledgeable flower essence practitioners. Her writings include her series, "Just Ask Miss Candice," and we have set up a subdomain for Candice here at the Pure Energy Rx website that will feature this column. Candice says, "Do you ever have nagging questions of a metaphysical nature that you would like practical answers to? Would you like to know how to remove negative grime from your emotional body? Would you like to know how to fluff up latent talents? Whatever your question, Miss Candice can offer the vibrational remedy, when applied with elbow grease, to get any job done!" Indeed! Do please check out this amazing, informative and entertaining resource: JUST ASK MISS CANDICE. This week Candice explores remedies for forgiving yourself.
Understanding Power and How to Harness Your Own
Our resident Life Coach and Synergy Specialist, Charly Emery, ponders the source of personal power, and what it takes to harness it to achieve the quality of life you desire. Says Charly, "There is tremendous energy that rises within us when we exert our power. However, that energy surge can be very seductive, hence with much power comes much responsibility. On the other hand, without understanding true power, we can give it away, let others take our power from us..." >>>> MORE
Herbal Accelerator...Rev up your metabolism...2-4-1 SALE!
Speed up that spring weight loss with Herbal Accelerator. And to help you do that, we're offering a 2-4-1 SALE. Buy one Herbal Accelerator ($28), and get TWO! We recommend using this formula alongside our recommended Body Type formulas determined from our Body Type Survey.
To lose those extra pounds:
- Find out your BODY TYPE
- Get the body type FORMULA
- Use RELEASEZYME to help regulate the bowels.
- Drink plenty of WATER (1 oz. for every 2 lbs. of body weight)
- Eat HIGH FIBER foods such as fruits and vegetables
- Get 30 min. of EXERCISE a day
- Watch those pounds FALL AWAY!
- Sleep pattern linked with teen's behavior
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - New study findings suggest that a preference for nighttime over daytime activities may be associated with antisocial behavior in adolescences, even in children as young as 8 years old...
- Shock wave therapy useful for stress fractures
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), a noninvasive technique that uses sound waves to stimulate healing, is an effective way to treat resistant stress fractures in athletes, according to a report of five cases in the American Journal of Sports Medicine...
- Vitamin A protein may reveal hidden body fat
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Measuring blood levels of a chemical transporter for vitamin A may be useful in estimating a person's "intraabdominal fat," a type of fat inside the abdomen that it not visible, but still adversely affects health, new research shows...
- Smoking may bring on early menopause
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) --Women who smoke are more likely to begin menopause before the age of 45 years, which puts them at increased risk of osteoporosis and heart disease, Norwegian researchers report...
- Florida Man Invents Machine To Cure Cancer
SANIBEL ISLAND, Fla. -- A Florida man with no medical training has invented a machine that he believes may lead to a cure for cancer...
- Two Scientists Attempt to Control Aging Using Resveratrol, a Compound Found in Red Wine
Controlling aging with drugs is a remarkable idea, and some might say an outlandish one. But two Massachusetts scientists say they're enticingly close to making the idea a reality...
- He Thinks, She Thinks
It's not what you expect: Women are more resilient, men more focused. She navigates by landmarks, he by internal compass. Our differences are surprising-and profound...
- Back From the Dead
Doctors are reinventing how they treat sudden cardiac arrest, which is fatal 95 percent of the time. A report from the border between life and death.
- Way to Shrink, Grow Fat Is Found
Scientists reported yesterday that they have uncovered a biological switch by which stress can promote obesity, a discovery that could help explain the world's growing weight problem and lead to new ways to melt flab and manipulate fat for cosmetic purposes...
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