Hello, Vibrant Reader!
Shay has asked me to do the honors this week for the Vibrant Living Newsletter (she's been very busy planting new flowers and trees, and making other home improvements --impressive!).
We've both been having a great experience with the Vision Company's blue-green algae product, E3 Live. It actually comes frozen, but will keep for a week unfrozen. I've noticed a definite upturn in my energy level throughout the day, and increased feelings of well-being, with better ability to focus in the "now." I've been doing about one tablespoon a day, and am planning to do a 5-day fast on the stuff as an inner summer cleanup program. I've done such fasts before using spirulina, and was able to go 54 days without any other foods. As is noted in the literature about E3 Live, spirulina is much less assimiliable because each cell has a hard shell around it. With the E3 Live variety of algae, there is no such shell--in fact, these single-celled organisms have very soft cell walls making them super-assimiliable.
Another interesting feature of these little guys, is that they contain the exact same makeup of fatty acids as the human brain. So consuming the food over time should enhance brain function, and general nerve efficiency. So, we encourage you to look over the information and try some E3 Live!
And, speaking of E3, we've set up separate domains and a website for our popular E3 Energy Cream. Now it's very easy to remember: www.e3lotion.com, or www.pain-lotion.com (the former forwards to the latter).
Until next week...
In vibrant health,

Boyd Martin Customer Service/Webmaster
Pure Energy Rx
Service Voice Mail: 620-399-7462
Avoid Vacation Weight Gain: 5 Simple Rules...
When you're on vacation, it's all too easy to abandon everything you know about eating healthfully--and then return home unable to button your pants. But, experts say, it is possible to indulge in your favorite foods and beverages while on vacation without the resulting weight gain.
- Vacation Tip No. 1: Plan Ahead to Fit in Fitness: Vacations should be an opportunity to re-energize, refresh, and relax -- not an excuse to take a break from health. When planning your vacation, opt for locations that will allow you to engage in physical activities you enjoy. Keep in mind that physical activity is the ticket to enjoying extra calories without weight gain.
- Vacation Tip No. 2: Be Prepared: When you travel, whether by plane, train, or automobile, be prepared with healthy food so you won't have to eat whatever is available. Start the day with a nutritious breakfast, then pack easy and satisfying snacks or a small meal, such as a turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomato on whole-grain bread, a piece of fruit, and some cut-up veggies with hummus.
- Vacation Tip No. 3: Avoid Dining-Out Disasters: Eating out may pose the biggest challenge for avoiding vacation weight gain. The key is to order simply prepared foods, such as baked, broiled. or grilled meats and fish. Another strategy is to rent a house or apartment with a kitchen and do your own chef creations.
- Vacation Tip No. 4: Indulge in Moderation: Deprivation is no fun when you're on vacation. Instead, make the name of the game moderation when it comes to controlling calories from treats and alcohol. Have one scoop of ice cream instead of the sundae, or split that decadent dessert with a dining companion.
- Vacation Tip No. 5: Pare Down Portions: Even when you're on vacation, portions count if you want to avoid weight gain. If you are among the many folks who like to sit around the table for hours, take away the plates and food and keep the water glasses full, so you are in control instead of the food and beverages controlling you.
Herbal Accelerator...Rev up your metabolism...2-4-1 SALE!
Speed up that spring weight loss with Herbal Accelerator. And to help you do that, we're offering a 2-4-1 SALE. Buy one Herbal Accelerator ($28), and get TWO! We recommend using this formula alongside our recommended Body Type formulas determined from our Body Type Survey.
To lose those extra pounds:
- Find out your BODY TYPE
- Get the body type FORMULA
- Use RELEASEZYME to help regulate the bowels.
- Drink plenty of WATER (1 oz. for every 2 lbs. of body weight)
- Eat HIGH FIBER foods such as fruits and vegetables
- Get 30 min. of EXERCISE a day
- Watch those pounds FALL AWAY!
Understanding Power and How to Harness Your Own
Our resident Life Coach and Synergy Specialist, Charly Emery, ponders the source of personal power, and what it takes to harness it to achieve the quality of life you desire. Says Charly, "There is tremendous energy that rises within us when we exert our power. However, that energy surge can be very seductive, hence with much power comes much responsibility. On the other hand, without understanding true power, we can give it away, let others take our power from us..." >>>> MORE
- New brain scan reveal why meditation works...
"These findings may help explain the beneficial health effects of mindfulness meditation, and suggest, for the first time, an underlying reason why mindfulness meditation programs improve mood and health," said David Creswell, a UCLA psychologist who led the second part of the study, which will be detailed in Psychosomatic Medicine....
- Exercise grows new brain cells...
Exercise stimulates the growth of new brain cells, a new study on rats finds. The new cells could be the key to why working out relieves depression. Previous research showed physical exercise can have antidepressant effects, but until now scientists didn't fully understand how it worked. ...
- Creating wellness in the corporate world...
A burgeoning industry of wellness advisers, counselors and consultants is booming as corporate America tries to increase productivity and control insurance costs by helping its employees get healthy and shed pounds....
- Another study that likes alcohol--in moderation...
FRIDAY, June 29 (HealthDay News)--Cheers to your health: Moderate drinkers are more likely to report above average health, compared with lifetime abstainers, light drinkers and heavy drinkers, researchers say. There is evidence that moderate drinking is associated with reduced risks of cardiovascular disease, injuries and mortality...
- It's never too late to start and succeed...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Even in middle age, adopting a healthy lifestyle can lower the risk for heart disease and premature death within years of changing habits, researchers reported on Thursday....
- Moore's SiCKO film inspires nurses
Starting June 29th, the launch day of the SiCKO documentary, nurses, doctors and other health care practitioners are launching a national campaign to urge support for a shift to a universal health care system. They'll be handing out flyers and recruiting people to support a campaign to shift America away from its current greed-based system of medicine to one that offers universal health care to everyone...
- USDA lowers the bar on what is organic
The U.S. Department of Agriculture gave interim approval Friday to a controversial proposal to allow 38 nonorganic ingredients to be used in foods carrying the "USDA Organic" seal. But the agency also allowed an extra 60 days for public comment...
- Women absorb 5 pounds of makeup chemicals a year
Women who use make-up on a daily basis are absorbing almost 5lb of chemicals a year into their bodies, it is claimed. Woman applying lipstick: Body absorbs 5lb of make-up chemicals a year Out-of-date lipstick may be a hothouse for bacteria Many use more than 20 different beauty products a day striving to look their best while nine out of 10 apply make-up which is past its use by date...
This newsletter is e-mailed to our opt-in mailing list, serviced and maintained by Pure Energy Rx, Pure Energy Rx, and Boyd Martin, Webmaster, Wellington, KS 67152.
Please see our PRIVACY POLICY.
What is your body type?
Take this short survey and find out the optimum enzyme levels for your body.
 AUDIO: "The Missing Piece of the Health Puzzle"

VIDEO: Dr. DicQie Fuller tells her story about the Transformation Enzyme Company.
Potentized by Dr. Kronn's powerful subtle energy process, these elixirs really get the job done!
FREE Wisdom Flashes from Consciousness One
Get your daily dose of upliftment!
A Place To Go:
How Scleroderma Changed My Life
Book by Maureen Taylor, who conquered this rare, debilitating disease.
Emotional Freedom Technique
A universal healing aid: Based on impressive new discoveries involving the body's subtle energies, EFT has been clinically effective in thousands of cases, often when nothing else will work. Trauma & Abuse, Panic & Anxiety, Fears & Phobias, Depression, Addictive Cravings, Children's Issues.
Shamanic Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a natural state of increased suggestibility. Suggestibility is the process by which we learn our habits and behaviors. Through hypnosis, undesirable habits and behaviors are changed both consciously and subconsciously.
Spiritual Cinema Circle
As a Member of our Inner Circle, each month you'll receive a new DVD with four wonderful, entertaining movies that will enlighten and inspire your soul. The movies will be a mixture of features, shorts and documentaries, all handpicked for their quality and content. You can be assured that each month you'll see more inspiring, meaningful movies than you can find on T.V. or at the local cineplex.
Digestive Enzymes
Highest therapeutic dosages available on the market. Enzymes from plant sources, extremely pure and effective.
The Perfect I LOVE YOU Gift...
Chi Bracelets
With subtle energy-charged gemstones. Many times more potent than plain gemstones. Each of the seven chakras represented. Large photos available.
Art Manville
We created our fabulous wealth with incredible health product!
Sage Era Weight Loss - Diet for a New Life
Nature's First Law
(Raw food products)

Watch the exercise ball video!
About Subtle Energy
About Dr. Kronn
Trinity Elixirs
Transformation Enzymes
Carrot Top Tea
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Organic Herbal Soaps
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