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I've been enjoying my work at the Optimum Health Insitute here in San Diego, helping in the kitchen with food preparation. The meals at OHI are very meticulously designed and prepared for optimum nutrition and balance, and it's all done with raw foods. It's an inspiratoin to observe this kind of care in food preparation and has given me a bunch of new ideas for meals when I get back home. I've listed some of my favorite recipes on my
blog. Check 'em out!
Boyd had an opportunity to listen in on the Energy Tools Doctors' Conference Call today, and he reports it was fascinating to hear how excited the doctors have been lately about some of the latest formulas created by Dr. Kronn. The call was primarily about the use of the new and improved Stress Relief formula, and how it completely re-orients the body systems away from adrenal dependence. Clients have been treated with this formula and for the first time in 15-20 years are beginning to develop an energy reserve without adrenal exhaustion, allowing the thyroid to recover and blood sugar to get better regulated.
These are truly game-changing formulas, so if you haven't taken the opportunity to check them out, please do. They can change your life. We've been using many of the formulas for over a decade, and just can't imagine being without them.
Boyd also reports that he got the peas, beans, cucumbers, lettuce and tomatoes all planted and coming up, so when I get back, I'll have plenty to work with!
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Shay Arave, President
All Access Pass to Extreme Self-Esteem
I watched Bill Maher's "Real Time" on HBO last night. His interview guest was Amy Chua, author of "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother." The point Maher zoomed in on from her book is that parents these days are so concerned about a child's self-esteem that they "over-reward" them for doing the least little thing right. Chua maintains that children should earn their self-esteem by doing difficult things well that require skill to do them. The reward-for-least-little-thing-right thinking I believe comes from pet training. All a dog has to do to get a treat is sit down, come when called, or rollover. >>>> MORE
Our Hunter-Gatherer Ancestors
Scientists recently analyzed the physical habits of our hunter-gatherer ancestors--people who tended to engage in short bursts of physical outdoors activity coupled with periods of rest--a lifestyle our bodies may be genetically programmed for. Human beings lived for eons as hunter-gatherers, so it's not surprising that our bodies are built to thrive under physically demanding conditions outside. By emulating some of the hunter-gatherer lifestyle, you automatically exercise more and develop better energy levels. Here are some ideas for getting back to our genetic roots and regaining our ancient vigor:
- Walk. Researchers estimate that hunter-gatherers walked between 4 and 10 miles a day just to find necessities! While you might not be able to walk that much, you could probably do a lot more than you're currently doing. Find ways to walk more during everyday tasks. Make it a priority in your schedule.
- Lift things. At least two to three times a week, you should do some strength training. Our ancestors would carry logs, we can carry groceries, laundry, kids, and pets. They would have stacked rocks, we can lift weights at home or at the gym.
- Get your flex on. Activities like yoga, dancing, tai chi, and gardening can help improve your flexibility--something that hunter-gatherers had in spades.
- Do it outdoors. Exercising outside on natural surfaces (the ones we evolved with, like grass and dirt) works more muscles and boosts your balance.
- Work out with a buddy. You'll get the added benefit of mood-boosting social interaction, because we are genetically programmed for it.
- Mix it up. Once or twice a week, alternate short bursts of moderate- to high-intensity physical activity with periods of rest and recovery to challenge your heart and lungs. Follow harder workout days with easier workout days. Hunter-gatherers got lots of rest, relaxation, and sleep when recovering from physically demanding days.

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This offer is good till May 30, 2011)
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