![]() Hello!
Boyd also reports that he attended a very interesting and inspiring workshop around the Tattvas Essential Oils (picture right). This is the second (Level II) class Boyd has taken from Aileen Halvorson. Aileen was trained by the originator of the Tattvas Oils system, Candice Covington, and Boyd says Aileen's enthusiasm and insight into the daily use of the oils for spiritual inquiry and discovery gave him a lot of ideas. The workshops are based on Candice's book, The Panchatattvas, which is packed full of information about how the oils affect the five elements in a person's life. Conciously using the oils along with other techniques described in the book can lead to profound revelations and add deep meaning to everyday life. Boyd said the workshop covered in detail using the oils with the Tattvas amulets to amplify the effects of the oils--with the amulets and oils working together synergistically. He also mentioned that by noticing which of the oils and amulets are most resonant at a given moment, they can be used as divination tools--determining which oils/amulets you are drawn to, then reading the meanings of the choices in the book--can provide additional insights into the psyche. Until next time... In vibrant health,
Shay Arave, President
Who You Know The Metaphysical Significance of the People in your Life
Scientifically Increase Your Happiness
1. Be grateful - Some study participants were asked to write letters of gratitude to people who had helped them in some way. The study found that these people reported a lasting increase in happiness - over weeks and even months - after implementing the habit. What's even more surprising: Sending the letter is not necessary. Even when people wrote letters but never delivered them to the addressee, they still reported feeling better afterwards. 2. Be optimistic - Another practice that seems to help is optimistic thinking. Study participants were asked to visualize an ideal future - for example, living with a loving and supportive partner, or finding a job that was fulfilling - and describe the image in a journal entry. After doing this for a few weeks, these people too reported increased feelings of well-being. 3. Count your blessings - People who practice writing down three good things that have happened to them every week show significant boosts in happiness, studies have found. It seems the act of focusing on the positive helps people remember reasons to be glad. 4. Use your strengths - Another study asked people to identify their greatest strengths, and then to try to use these strengths in new ways. For example, someone who says they have a good sense of humor could try telling jokes to lighten up business meetings or cheer up sad friends. This habit, too, seems to heighten happiness. 5. Commit acts of kindness - It turns out helping others also helps ourselves. People who donate time or money to charity, or who altruistically assist people in need, report improvements in their own happiness. Lyubomirsky has also created a free iPhone application, called Live Happy, to help people boost their well-being.