Dear Readers,
inspired!" is the message of the day. Our article about Dr. Udo
Erasmus makes this plainly clear as the major key for caring for and
keeping your health. With inspiration anything is possible,
including vibrant health, pain-free days, and adequate energy to
manage and succeed with a full daily schedule.
After listening to Dr. Erasmus and reading his book, Fats that Heal and Fats that Kill, we
placed our order for his Organic
Flax Seed Oil. We will be taking the recommended dosage of one
tablespoon for every 50 pounds of body weight daily, and trying the
oil in place of olive oil on our daily green salad, and in our
morning green drink, "Nature First Food" raw, organic, superfood
from David Wolfe's www.rawfood.com; and promise to keep you posted
on our continued progress with healthy living, improved vitality and
pain-free days.
With the skyrocketing gas prices, annoying as it is for all of
us, we have devised a plan: Less driving, more walking and a
heightened awareness of whole, organic foods in smaller quantity.
Organic whole foods have 40% more nutrition then standard run of the
mill sprayed produce. The cost is greater, but the trade off is
worth it, with less toxic load, increased food value and so the need
for less food daily. Our vegetable garden is going in this week and
we promise some photos later in the month on its transformation as
well as ours.
Keep moving, stay inspired and remember: we are what we eat,
quoting from our most recent interview with David Wolfe. When we
cleanse and heal our body with daily awareness and righteous acts,
our acts are experienced in our world. In these not so small daily
acts our Mother Earth experiences our cleansing and healing, and in
turn cleanses and heals in unison.
Many blessings and continued wellness,
 Shay Arave President Subtle
Energy Solutions
A nearly fatal accidental pesticide poisoning
25 years ago, spurred Udo Erasmus to delve deep into his research on
dietary fats. This university geneticist ended up earning his Ph.D.
on the subject, and writing two books. He has since become the
"Father of Unrefined, Organic Flax Oil," campaigning the world about
the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids. Of course, he also touts whole
foods, vegetarianism, and an inspired attitude, as part of a
holistic nutrition program for anyone. But, he says, "If I had to
pick one to focus on, I would pick the Omega 3 fatty acid simply
because it is the most sensitive, the most damaged by processing.
And, it is the most commonly too low in the greatest number of
people." >>> MORE
F.Y.I. - Interesting Health News Tidbits
Hug a lonely heart...
Loneliness is bad for the heart, suggests a new study. It shows that
loneliness increases the blood pressure of those nearing retirement
age to the same degree as smoking or a sedentary lifestyle. Chronic
feelings of social isolation are associated with as much as a 30
mmHg rise in a person's systolic blood pressure by the age of 65,
which could easily push their systolic blood pressure over 150 mmHg,
the medical definition of hypertension. The study showed that this
is independent of other confounding variables such as smoking,
drinking, socioeconomic status and body mass index.
"While we haven't conclusively proven why this happens,
the pieces are starting to fall into place," says John Cacioppo, a
psychologist at the University of Chicago who conducted the
research. Previous work by Cacioppo showed that college students who
felt socially isolated had increased vascular tension--a narrowing
of blood vessels that increases resistance to blood flow. Their
young bodies could compensate, so the condition did not lead to
abnormally high blood pressure, but Cacioppo speculated that the
same would not be true in older individuals.
"Loneliness isn't just stress or depression," he notes.
"It's a unique physiological and psychological reaction."
>>>> MORE
The meat-industrial complex...
Barely 5 percent of U.S. farms now raise 54 percent of the country's
beef and dairy cattle. Corporations now produce 98 percent of all
poultry. Small to mid-size family livestock farms are going the way
of the dodo. While "local food movements" and a resurgent interest
in grass-fed and free-range animal production are gaining traction
and deserve our full support, they will never be enough to stem the
"blood-dimmed tide" of the livestock industry.
Across the nation, factory farms of all types are wreaking
environmental havoc. A 1995 North Carolina manure spill killed 10
million fish and closed 364,000 acres of coastal shellfish beds. In
2004 the Iowa Department of Natural Resources recorded ammonia
levels near a hog factory that were six times the recommended health
standard. In California's San Joaquin Valley, air pollution from
factory dairy farms is a major reason that the region's children
have asthma rates three times the national average. In eastern New
Mexico--the state's factory dairy farm belt--recent research
discovered antibiotic-resistant bacteria in dairy yards. For these
reasons, the American Public Health Association has urged all levels
of government to impose a moratorium on new Concentrated Animal
Feeding Operations (CAFOs) until a comprehensive environmental and
health assessment can be conducted. >>>> MORE
Now, imagine you're Gumby... Use
your mind to help your muscles go from stiff to supple the next time
you're doing a full-body stretch. Put another way: pretend you're
Gumby. Researchers have found that people who vividly imagine
lengthening and moving their arms or legs find stretching easier to
do. And that could lead to greater flexibility gains. So close your
eyes and envision your muscles getting longer and looser whenever
you stretch.
In a
U.K. study, three groups of volunteers (30 people in all) went
through a 4-week flexibility program. While all the groups emerged
with more limber bodies, two of them applied their minds as well as
their bodies to the process. One group visualized moving the limb
they were stretching, while the other imagined the physiological
process of stretching--trying to "see" their muscles elongating.
Although no difference was found in the degree of flexibility
improvement, those using the stretching visualization were much more
comfortable doing it. >>>> MORE
Beets. It's what's for dinner... In
this health-conscious state capital, sometimes called the People's
Republic of Austin, maverick behavior is nothing out of the
ordinary. But when Jimmy John's, the local sandwich joint, names a
sandwich after you, "the Engine 2 Veggie Sandwich"; when People for
the Ethical Treatment of Animals gives you an award for
"Animal-Friendly Firehouse of the Year"; and when people call out to
passing fire trucks, "Are y'all the vegans?" even Austin is taking
five firefighters of Team C at Firehouse 2--Rip Esselstyn, James
Rae, Matt Moore, Derick Zwerneman and Scott Walters--now eat vegan,
taking turns whipping up plant-based fare like meatless and
cheeseless pizza, pasta primavera and spinach enchiladas. A routine
cholesterol test left Specialist Rae, 37, shaken. The American Heart
Association ranks anyone with a level of 240 or more high risk;
Specialist Rae's hit 344. "I was floored, scared," he said. "I had
no clue."
the other 10 men in Firehouse 2, the vegan diet has not gone down so
easily. Inside the freezer are a bag of cheeseburgers, French fries
and a package of beef next to vegan offerings. One firefighter even
put up provocative posters on the walls, including one that reads,
"Beef. It's What's for Dinner."
"Seventy percent of our calls are medical," he said. "Every day we
see the ravages of people eating to their heart's content." If not
for Specialist Rae's cholesterol, he said, "there would have been
someone else, someone prediabetic or obese who would have prompted
us." >>>> MORE > www.engine2.org
Disease mongering...
According to a set of essays published in the Public Library of
Science Medicine, drug companies are systematically inventing
non-existent diseases, or exaggerating minor ones, in order to sell
more of their products. The practice turns healthy people into
patients, and places many of them at risk of medically induced harm.
Minor, normal problems, such as the symptoms of menopause, have been
"medicalized" into treatable illnesses, and risk factors like high
cholesterol are being treated as diseases in their own right.
Conditions including female sexual dysfunction, attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and "restless legs syndrome" have all
been exaggerated and promoted by companies hoping to sell drugs.
Even ordinary shyness is often defined by drug companies as a social
anxiety disorder to be treated with antidepressants. Richard Ley, of
the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, pointed out
that some countries, including Britain, have legal safeguards
against drug industry "disease mongering." Most of the criticisms,
he argued, apply primarily to countries like the United States,
where drugs can be advertised directly to patients. >>>>
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