APRIL 2022, Issue No. 1 |
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8 Signs You May Be Overthinking

Here are eight basic signs that can tell you if your thoughts are getting out of control. Recognizing them will help you prevent emotional meltdowns:
- Constant negative thoughts about yourself, the world, or others that appear quickly and automatically.
- Thoughts that don't stop, even for a while, or worries that you can't put aside.
- Imagining that the worst is going to happen.
- Going over issues and overthinking situations.
- Frequently replaying conversations in your head.
- Constantly thinking about past issues or possible failures.
- Perceiving your thoughts as a heavy load. This makes you feel tired or impatient.
- Experiencing difficulty in falling asleep, suffering from insomnia, or waking up at night due to your thoughts.
If you take a close look at these signals, you'll see that, when you think too much, you fall into a cycle that generates discomfort. Indeed, you constantly review situations, their causes, and even their consequences, frequently directing your attention to what's going wrong, and what's preventing you from differentiating between situations that are within and outside your control. When you look at these signs, you'll notice that many of them are manifestations of rumination, worry, or obsession.
Overthinking can be an indicator of difficulty in solving problems. In this sense, you're thinking about them but not dealing with them. By not dealing with them and not taking any action, you won't solve them. You're just wasting mental energy. It's important that you identify these signs in time, as repetitive negative thoughts can be the origin of various psychological problems. For example, anxiety or mood disorders.
Finally, it's important to remember that everyone thinks about their problems or the situations they find themselves in. However, a problem occurs when you ruminate or worry in an unlimited or excessive way, even when the situation has already been resolved. Alternatively, when you become obsessed with a topic that's simply not relevant, and that presents no danger to you whatsoever. A situation that, when you look at it from a realistic point of view, you can find no objective reason for worrying about.
Ancient Chinese wise man, Wei Po Yang, was asked at the end of his life what he had learned from a lifetime a spiritual study. He said, "To worry is preposterous".
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Calm the "monkey" mind and reach that space of equanimity with our Trinity Meditation Elixirs.
Accessing Our Four Intelligences
 We all have at least four types of intelligence: mental, emotional, somatic, and intuitive. Yet most of us have overdeveloped some kinds of intelligence and underdeveloped others. To see which intelligences might be stronger in you and where you might have room for improvement, take a little quiz.
Mental Intelligence: Am I...
...a critical thinker?
...most comfortable making decisions based on accurate factual information?
...trusting in science?
...curious, tending to process things mentally?
...skeptical of phenomena I can't explain logically? to distinguish between facts, propaganda, and manipulation?
...someone who gets lost in my head?
Intuitive Intelligence: Do I...
...get spontaneous—ultimately helpful—information flashes?
...distinguish between "thinking things up" and intuition that "drops in"?
...get feedback from others about how intuitive I am?
...know things I couldn't possibly know rationally in ways that are later verified?
...have precognitive dreams or visions?
...access multidimensional realms others don't seem to visit or see/hear/sense beings that are invisible to others?
Emotional Intelligence: Can I... and feel my own and other people's emotions accurately?
...attune to my own feelings, glean useful information from how I feel emotionally, and know how to interpret what my feelings are trying to guide me to do?
...establish boundaries between other people's feelings and mine?
...respond to what I read in other people with empathy without their emotions making me pull away, try to fix them, or flood me with their feelings?
...avoid either repressing emotions or exploding with them? about the suffering of others (and myself) and feel motivated to help ease suffering?
...feel my heart open and respond to this heart-opening with my courage and sacred activism in the face of injustice?
Somatic Intelligence: Am I...
...aware of my physical sensations on a regular basis?
...attuned to "gut" feelings?
...grounded, firmly planted on earth (as opposed to being flighty, uncoordinated, or ungrounded)? to read subtle body signals or symptoms before they become big ones? to ask my body questions and interpret my body's "yes" or "no" with some confidence? to titrate what my body and nervous system can handle without pushing myself to the point of injury or getting flooded or overwhelmed somatically?
In an unbalanced psyche, we tend to fragment, and one intelligence might overpower and dominate the others, causing us to be psychologically lopsided in our decision-making. But when we're able to gather information from all of our intelligences, without neglecting any of them (especially the often-maligned and neglected intelligence of not just "positive" but also "negative" emotions), we can make healthy, balanced decisions.
Try it out now by considering a decision. Start by checking whether you get a flash of insight from your intuition. Then notice if you have an emotion about that intuition. How does it feel in your body when you check somatically? Then what does your mind have to say about that? What can you research to educate yourself and cross-check your other forms of knowing? Which expert can you ask to double-check that you're not "trusting your intuition" when you're listening to a paranoid story that's actually a trauma response?
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Each intelligence emanates from one or more energy centers in our body, mind and psyche. Use the E4 Formula to repair and reestablish energy flows from these centers.
Mantras That Make Everything Better

Repetition is the key to manifestation, as it programs the subconscious creative mind leading to experiences that reflect back to us what is frequently repeated. These are some handy and effective mantras to incorporate into daily living for great results:
1) I Am Amazing - These three words can help prevent you from falling into a slump of self-hatred. Too many individuals do not have respect for themselves and forget that they are amazing, beautiful, and one-of-a-kind. Repeat this mantra often so the words will come to you when you need them the most.
2) I Am Grateful - Gratitude is a sure way to gain happiness. When you are grateful, you are making an effort to remind yourself of the good things in your life. In turn, this positive attitude attracts even more good things.
3) I Love Myself at All Times - One of life's most important lessons is to love ourselves. If you feel as though you haven't quite gotten to a point of full self-love and respect, then repeat these words until you do. Say them when you are pleased with yourself, as well as when you are angry and disappointed in yourself.
4) I Am a Magnet to Good Things - Believing that good things and positive situations are headed your way will actually help them do so. Thinking of yourself as a magnet to everything that is amazing will draw those things to you. Your self-confidence and positive spirit attract what they put out, and you will see your life becoming enriched as you repeat this mantra often.
5) I Attract Healthy People into My Life - Even in the best circumstances, the wrong people will keep us from going far. Create a circle of friends who are hopeful and positive just as you are. Avoid drama, and repeat this mantra to yourself when you are tempted to get sucked into someone's negative energy.
6) I Can Do Anything I Set My Mind To - Believing in yourself and having confidence in what you can achieve will take you far. When you know that you can do anything you set your mind to, you will find unlimited happiness in that knowledge. Speak these words when you are struggling to change your situation, and know that you have the power it takes to do so.
7) I Have a Purpose - No matter how much money a person makes or how much they accomplish, life will feel pointless and void without a sense of purpose. There are plenty of books written on the subject that can help you analyze your life and find out what your specific purpose is. Think about the things you love and are drawn to, and what gives you your greatest feeling of satisfaction. You have something special to offer the world, and this mantra reminds you of that fact.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: If you incorporate mantras into your meditation practice, use Clean Sweep to clear and harmonize your meditation space for focus and amplified intent.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
As a professional drummer myself, I can attest to the benefits of drumming. Drumming synchronizes body processes from the rhythmic movement, and the effect of a steady drumbeat is soothing to both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Many people think they can't drum because they "have no rhythm". Yes, I know some people who don't believe they can tap out a rhythm, and so they can't, but this is more a matter of belief than anything else. You have a heartbeat, therefore you can drum. If you're in the category of "non-rhythmic" people, I would point out that if it weren't for the rhythmic motion of the circulatory system, you would not be alive. Start by tapping your finger to some of your favorite music, then get a wooden spoon and tap on some pans. Get a bongo drum at a garage sale, or music store, and just start pounding on it. The rhythmic muscular motion helps the circulatory system with all of its veinous and arterial gates, synch up with the heart, and it is a great way to stimulate endorphin production, reducing pain, and creating a better mood. -- From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Nancy Lynn I have been working as a professional Spiritualist, Medium, and Life Counselor for decades. This work has been used to help individuals connect with spirits and events, which provide useful information related to their individual realm of understanding and clarity. I have been aware of the ability to communicate with the spirit world on many different levels as long as I can remember. This gift has proven to be a valuable tool as I am able to provide information that guides people to release negative energy and move closer to their personal best. My abilities allow me to tap into your energy field to gain information from your past and present. This is done while simultaneously connecting with your spirit guides and loved ones who have crossed over. The information is revealed to me as images, symbols, short movie clips, and thoughts. The merging of individual energy and spiritual guides provides an extremely in-depth and unique reading. The readings have an impact that can quite literally change the direction of your life. Not only do I work with people to help remove obstacles, I also assist in providing information on past events, current disputes, and identifying points of concern. Because I believe everyone has some level of psychic ability, many can grow their own insight through education. Therefore, I have founded a company to assist each person in developing their own personal growth, called "Opening to Enlightenment". Dedicated to your spiritual growth, we are comprised of psychics, mediums, and healers seeking to raise the spiritual energy on this earth. I would be grateful for the opportunity to provide you with a personalized reading. Whether you are looking for direction or insights, I can help! WEBSITE
Company & Product News
E1 Stress Relief Formula 20% Off
 E-1 is Yin Subtle Energy Pattern that helps relieve stress, anxiety, emotional tension, anger and depression. It adjusts your emotions to a balanced level. It removes blockages from the liver meridian, and helps improve the sleep process. It is good for an open and grounded meditation, particularly when you are in an excited state. This pattern has a calming effect. E-1 is excellent for hormonal imbalances, insomnia, hyper or hypo conditions. Greatly reduces athletic recovery time, and is valuable for trauma treatment. Perfect for calming pets, too! USE DISCOUNT CODE: E120 FOR 20% OFF. MORE INFO
Relief Energy Cream
The Arnica-MSM Relief Energy Cream is replacing our old standby, E3. Don't be shocked. It's OK. E3 was the first topical pain relieving formula developed by Dr. Kronn back in the mid-90s. After that, he improved on the formula adding the energies of the herb, Arnica, and the de-toxing agent, MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). Although this formula is more expensive to produce, we've lowered the price so it's closer to the price of E3. Relief Energy Cream works exactly the same way as E3, re-establishing energy flows across an injured or painful area. We are also offering a further 10% discount for the case prices. Check it out! MORE INFO
| AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: Quantum Joint Relief
 Quantum Joint Relief is quantum scalar technology that uses your electronic devices to broadcast silent, quantum frequencies to your biofield for relieving joint pain and rebuilding joint mobility over time.
Use Quantum Joint Relief to:
- Relieve and Rebuild
- Support cellular energy rejuvenation
- Reduce joint inflammation
- Reduce joint pain
- Help comfort joints and muscles during everyday activities
- Help promote mobility and flexibility
- Support healthy cartilage and connective tissue
- Help protect cartilage, collagen and other connective tissue from destructive MMP enzymes to support joint flexibility.
- Increase walking distance and speed
- Improve joint discomfort and function
- Reduce cartilage breakdown
Once purchased, you can experience increased joint mobility for the rest of your life, without having to purchase a new supplement supply every month: maximum benefits for minimal cost. MORE INFO / ORDER
AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: VibesUp Vibrational Chakra Bracelet

Each chakra stone is infused with VibesUP's liquid crystal formula containing the essential oils vibrationally tuned to be balancing and harmonizing to each specific chakra. This unique bracelet will also raise the Healthy Vibration of food & beverages as well as raise your Vibration while you wear it. Muscle test to see it working.
SUCCESSES: "As a Reiki practitioner, every time I touch this bracelet I can feel how strong the positive energy is!! I gave it to my partner and she says it's really helped with her self-awareness, and emotional processing, and setting boundaries :)" -- Kayla F. "I bought this for my fiance. Immediately the change in his energy was felt and calm swept over him like a wave. He hasn't taken it off since. Thank you so much for helping us find balance! I will continue to buy items from this site! Again, THANK YOU!" -- Amy R. MORE INFO
Trinity Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone of Selfless Love and Compassion"
Spiritually: Expands consciousness. Instills second-sight, and activates channeling abilities.
Emotionally: Promotes truthfulness, improves self-worth and soothes emotional stress. Excellent for healing sexual abuse. Brings repressed memories to the surface. Encourages spontaneous self-expression an insists that you face the truth about yourself and other people.
Mentally: Mentally enlivening.
Physically: Helps purify the circulatory system, and helps normalize blood pressure. Helps relieve migraines, asthma and respiratory problems, as well as reproductive system problems. Helps improve the skin and balances the thyroid.
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return relevant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Gaslighting Freedom

 In the campaign of achieving human dominance and control, there is an exploitable error of perception within all of us. This exploitable error is the illusion that objective "reality" is separate from subjective experience. The illusion of objective reality is very convincing, made so because of persistence in time, our bodily senses, and the assigned language creating meaning around everything, culminating in our beliefs of what is "real" and "not real".
The Objectivists proclaim that what is "real" is what we can see and touch, and here is where the gaslighting begins. As children, we are indoctrinated into this world by definitions of things as they are presented by our parents. The first "correction" is usually about the child's imagination.
I vividly remember when I was about three years old talking to a crow in the front yard. The crow said my name, and asked how I was doing. I later told my mom about this, and she immediately said, "You were imagining that. Crows don't talk". Although I could remember the crow talking, my mom's declaration made me question whether or not I had experienced what I thought I had experienced. A few days later, I saw that same crow in the front yard. I started walking toward it. It squawked and flew away. Well, maybe I did just imagine it, I said to myself. From that day forward, I never heard a crow talk.
There are thousands of examples of people having similar experiences that are relegated to superstition, misperception, or delusion. My Irish granddad for the entire time I knew him insisted on the existence of leprechauns. He'd say, "They exist. I've seen them." Now he was a college president with multiple doctorates, so if anyone would have been "objective" it would be him. To this day, he's been an inspiration to me precisely because he stuck with the reality of his own experience.
There are mounds upon mounds of "legends" and "myths" about our world relegated to a scrap heap of "falsehoods" and "conspiracies" that if accepted would immediately expose the gaslighters who decided such topics had to be hidden in order to profit from them. The entire Disclosure movement, for example, is a reclaiming of personal experiences of extraterrestrial life. Exposure of those types of experiences would severely hinder the Controllers in their quests for power and control, and so well-funded disinfo campaigns and false narratives are foisted on the already reality-comprised public.
Our experience is what is real. The gaslighters of the world would tell you that what you think is happening is not what's really going on, and eventually, we all submit to the "facts" of life as assigned to us by these controllers. If our direct experience doesn't follow the "factual" narrative of acceptable reality, we are "corrected" by a merciless barrage of denials, condescension, mockery, imprisonment, and at times even physical assault.
Pretty quickly as children we learn that our imagination is disconnected from the "reality" our parents force on us. How we experience the world gets recontextualized through their definitions and translations. This creates the illusion of "out there" and "in here"--the cleaving of objective and subjective reality--the ideal environment for the gaslighters.
The remedy for gaslighting is reframing (see my article, "Reframe The Body"). We reframe by choosing what to believe about our direct experiences, and not deferring to the accepted and approved narratives. In fact, it is our superpower of choice that creates what experience we prefer. Channeled teacher, Bashar, in his talk about parallel worlds says, "There is no 'out there'. It's all here, it's all now."
What we choose to experience takes us to that world where that experience is happening, because it is our choices that determine the frequency of our experience within that parallel universe. Change the frequency, switch universes.
Ultimately, this goes far beyond reframing and recontextualizing into Universal Creation. As Alan Watts has said, "What you are doing is what the whole universe is doing here and now. You are something the entire universe is doing in the same way a wave is doing what the entire ocean is doing. The real you is the entire universe."
There is no experience we do not create. Sometimes we deny any responsibility when our experiences are negative, but deep, deep down, far, far in, we know on some level we created and create everything we experience. When a controlled populace begins to wake up to this fact of existence, such tricks of the senses as gaslighting cease to have an effect. Even the merest possibility of our universal creation rips away all the veils carefully put in place by Controllers.
We choose to see the truth. We choose to see our own experience. This is where total freedom is found. It is our freedom to choose the best and highest life we can imagine.

Boyd Martin
EXCERPT: Ultimately, the body reflects its consciousness field. If it is living in a consciousness field that is sad, depressed and anxious, it will reflect these states and the conditions and diseases associated with those feelings and attitudes. The body CAN turn around any health condition overnight, providing it is in that consciousness field. Examples include spontaneous remission of cancers, bones mending overnight, and other "miraculous" healings, usually attributed to outside healers, mysterious energies, voodoo, and other unexplained, mysterious experiences or conditions. The one cause of healing--the human body itself--is usually overlooked in these cases, as having the innate ability to regenerate and repair itself to a high degree. >>>> DOWNLOAD <<<<