MARCH, 2020 - Issue No. 2 |
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Oneness as a Social Reality
In a series of studies, Kate Diebels and Mark Leary set out to find out. In their first study, they found that only 20.3% of participants had thought about the oneness of all things "often" or "many times", while 25.9% of people "seldom" thought about the oneness of all things, and 12.5% of people "never" had thought about it.
The researchers created a 6-item "Belief in Oneness Scale" consisting of the following items:
- Beyond surface appearances, everything is fundamentally one.
- Although many seemingly separate things exist, they all are part of the same whole.
- At the most basic level of reality, everything is one.
- The separation among individual things is an illusion; in reality everything is one.
- Everything is composed of the same basic substance, whether one thinks of it as spirit, consciousness, quantum processes, or whatever.
- The same basic essence permeates everything that exists.
Those who scored higher on this scale were much more likely to have an identity that extends beyond the individual to encompass wider aspects of humankind, life, nature, and even the cosmos. In fact, a belief in oneness was more strongly related to feeling connected with distant people and aspects of the natural world than with people with whom one is close! Also, while a belief in oneness was related to actual experiences of oneness ("mystical experiences"), there was no relationship between a belief in oneness and feeling closer to God during a spiritual experience.
In their second study, the researchers looked at values and self-views that might be related to the belief in oneness. They found that a belief in oneness was related to values indicating a universal concern for the welfare of other people, as well as greater compassion for other people. A belief in oneness was also associated with feeling connected to others through a recognition of our common humanity, common problems, and common imperfections. At the same time, there was no relationship between a belief in oneness and the degree to which people endorsed self-focused values such as hedonism, self-direction, security, or achievement. This means that people can have a belief in oneness and still have a great deal of self-care, healthy boundaries, and self-direction in life.
People who believe that everything is fundamentally one differ in crucial ways from those who do not. In general, those who hold a belief in oneness have a more inclusive identity that reflects their sense of connection with other people, nonhuman animals, and aspects of nature that are all thought to be part of the same "one thing." This has some rather broad implications.
It is very interesting that those who reported a greater belief in oneness were also more likely to regard other people like members of their own group and to identify with all of humanity. There is an abundance of identity politics these days, with people believing that their own ideology is the best one, and a belief that those who disagree with one's own ideology are evil or somehow less than human.
It might be beneficial for people all across the political spectrum to recognize and hold in mind a belief in oneness even as they are asserting their values and political beliefs. Only having "compassion" for those who are in your in-group, and vilifying or even becoming violent toward those who you perceive as the out-group, is not only antithetical to world peace more broadly, but is also counter-productive to political progress that advances the greater good of all humans on this planet.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: The experience of Oneness with the All also has very positive health benefits: lowered cortisol, improved immunity, and better overall mood and sense of well-being. Explore our Meditation Elixirs for your own journey to oneness.
Parallel Universes Are About to be Proven
 Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll expressed that clues in the small-scale structure of the universe point to the existence of numerous parallel worlds. Carroll says that the fact that tiny particles like electrons and photons don’t have one set location in the universe is evidence that there are many parallel universes.
“But there’s a lot more going on,” Carroll told “Not every world you imagine actually comes true.” The common sense rules of physics that rule our lives everyday make sense to us but at very minuscule scales common sense breaks down altogether. At the quantum level, the empty vacuum of space is filled with tiny particles constantly popping in and out of existence.
In the past, Carroll has advanced some groundbreaking yet controversial theories on topics such as the Big Bang theory and the nature of time, saying that the universe didn’t start in a huge explosion as most people believe, but instead it is an infinitely old, constantly inflating entity in which time can run both forward and backward.
“As far as we currently know,” he writes. “Quantum mechanics isn’t just an approximation to the truth; it is the truth. Physics is stuck trying to understand the fundamentals of nature and the Big Bang,” Carroll said. “It’s time to take a step back and understand its foundations. It’s time to tackle our understanding of the quantum world.”
Physicist, Brian Greene, author of The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, told NPR, “You almost can’t avoid having some version of the multiverse in your studies if you push deeply enough in the mathematical descriptions of the physical universe. There are many of us thinking of one version of parallel universe theory or another. If it’s all a lot of nonsense, then it’s a lot of wasted effort going into this far-out idea. But if this idea is correct, it is a fantastic upheaval in our understanding.” Even Stephen Hawking suggested that, thanks to quantum mechanics, the Big Bang supplied us with an endless number of universes, not just one.
Up until this point understanding quantum physics and its realms has been impossible, but Carroll hopes that is changing thanks to technology,and new experiments now possible that weren't before.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Shamanistic traditions say we are constantly shifting among many worlds, and our moods, more than our imagination, reflect when we travel to another realm. Keep your mood and your "quantum leaps" positive with our Vital Force Crystals.
Yoga Instead of Detention
 An increasing number of schools across the country are introducing mindfulness practice and yoga classes to address student anxiety, tardiness, and disruptions. The alternative approach to school discipline seeks to address student misbehavior by addressing one of its root causes--namely, allowing students to ground themselves in their senses and calm their emotions.
Two such schools--Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School, both in Yellow Springs, Ohi--have already seen some success after introducing mindfulness practice to students as an alternative to detention, reports Yellow Springs News.
For half an hour every Monday following the end of the class day, students gather in Donna Haller’s classroom to sit on blankets and meditate, allowing themselves to calm down and concentrate on stillness, feeling present, and boosting their awareness of themselves and their classroom environments. And on Wednesday, students at both schools can go to their shared library to take part in a yoga club.
According to Yellow Springs High School Principal Jack Hatert and Vice-Principal Cameron McKoy, the new disciplinary approach focusing on behavioral changes is far more effective than strictly punitive measures. And as those of us who experienced detention back in K-12 schools know well, sitting alone at one’s desk for an hour after school hardly leads to personal reflection or changed behavior —a point that Principal Hatert is all too willing to stress.
For ninth-grader Isabella Beiring, who attends both the Monday and Wednesday groups, the sessions offer a great respite from the hustle and bustle of the school week. She explained, “I like learning about yoga and mindfulness in general. I like doing the poses--It can help with stress and anxiety.”
The Yellow Springs initiative is the result of Ohio’s new statewide educational approach. Dubbed Each Child, Our Future, the plan hopes to offer mindfulness training and other resources as a way of addressing a mental health epidemic that plagues adolescents and adults alike across the United States.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Enhance the oxygen exchange with your plants using our E-4 Foundation formula. E-4 improves the connections among all the energy centers of the body allowing for greater assimilation of life-supporting substances--such as AIR.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Hand Massage
This is the companion to the jumper cabling exercise, employing elements of acupressure and reflexology. Each area of the hand (and foot) correlates with all the organ systems of the body, so massaging these areas increases the energy and blood flow to all the body systems--and it's all right there in the palm of your hand. Another style of this practice is to begin a massaging motion with the index finger and thumb of the holding hand, sliding it along each finger. This is a great way to relieve stress and creates comforting feelings. In reflexology, one presses firmly with the opposing thumb into different areas of the palm. When a particularly tender area is found, focus in on that, applying steady pressure until the area releases. Often, you'll feel a knot under the tender spot. This is where the energy has gotten stuck and is not circulating. Keep massaging it until the knot releases. This can take anywhere from 30 seconds to several hours. In the case of a stubborn knot begin to notice any change in the knot, leave it and return later. You'll often find it has released on its own. From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Kara Mooney
Kara Mooney is an Intuitive Empath. She has worked as a healer for over 18 years in several different modalities of energy medicine such as Theta Healing, Reiki and Intuitive Anatomy. She is passionate about helping people shift their beliefs that either sabotage, or no longer serve their highest and best good. These days, she is focused on helping people prepare for the Great Awakening that we are experiencing right now. Kara is a nurturing and compassionate healer who creates a safe space when working with others. As an intuitive, she has the ability to recognize negative beliefs and programming in the subconscious mind, as well as disease in the body, and she can help you shift it. Through the power of God/Source she facilitates in helping you release what no longer serves your highest and best good, and empowers you to live in your fullest expression. Kara works from a space of heart consciousness and is genuinely committed to helping others heal. She helps you understand how to create your life so that you may live with true joy and fulfillment! WEBSITE
Company & Product News
 Enthusiastic media coverage notwithstanding, colds and flu come to us to help detoxify, balance, and renew the body, slowing us down in order to re-evaluate our lives, and decide to make healthier choices. By acknowledging the wisdom of Nature and our body, and consciously assisting with plenty of fresh air, pure water, clean food, and energetic supports, we reduce the need for dramatic emergency responses such as disease. Pure Energy Rx offers four main ways to energetically support the body in its process of living comfortably among pathogens and toxicity in its environment: PureZyme Transformation Enzyme Formula--This formula is high grade protease, the primary enzyme for breaking down not only proteins in the food we eat, but also breaking down the proteins of harmful bacteria, viruses and waste material. PureZyme assists the body in purifying the blood and vital organs; E4 Foundation/Immune Formula--E4 strengthens and establishes a vital connection between the upper and lower energy centers of the body. This enhances immune functions, and improves nutrient uptake, amplifying the beneficial effects of supplements and herbal nostrums, as well as improving overall energy and well-being;
Trinity Turquoise Gem Elixir--The Turquoise gemstone is revered in Native American cultures as the "great protector", and has been shown in the laboratory to have beneficial effects for the immune system, reducing the virulance of bacterial and viral agents; Vital Force Chakra Cleansing and Protection Crystal--Wearing or holding this crystal bathes the body in a protective and energizing subtle energy field that clears blocked energy centers, allowing for greater vitality and overall immunity.
AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: Subtle Energy Sciences - Vagus Nerve
 This vagus nerve app is sourced directly from the quantum field and designed to tone and stabilize the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is one of the longest nerves in the body and plays a principle role in conveying information about the body to the brain. Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve encourages the brain to reorganize itself around damaged areas and has proven to be an effective treatment for numerous health conditions. The Vagus Nerve Balance quantum energy app bypasses the need for expensive electrical stimulation and instead uses quantum energy pulses to tone and balance the vagus nerve. Use the Vagus Nerve Balance quantum energy app for: general health; stress reduction; activating the parasympathetic nervous system; supporting digestion; and reducing inflammation MORE INFO
EXTREME and FAST -- Do the test: Feel the skin around your eyes BEFORE using this mask and then feel again after just one night. You will notice a baby silky feeling, imagine after a month! BONUS: In addition to smoother eye skin, enjoy a deeper sleep and a more youthful refreshed look. Includes adjustable Comfort Band. The Double Stuff Formula contains double the stones, Flower Essences, essential oils, and Liquid Crystal! Puffy Crystals amplify the conductivity and strength of the special Earth Mat material in the mask. Super Shrunk aids in compressing the tiny quartz spheres to amplify the piezo electricity! Earth Energy Eye Mask: Delightful! Imagine improved sleep, meditation, eye health, headaches, and younger healthier eye appearance. MORE INFO ALSO, check out the NEW VibesUp Products!
Refer Your Friends for Commissions
 Pure Energy Rx now has an affiliate program built in to the store. Refer your friends and family, and when they purchase, you get a commission! We pay between 25% and 10%, depending on the product or formula. Commissions are paid per sale daily. Signup is simple and quick, and we provide links and banners to use in your communications--website, social media, emails. When your friends click on your custom link and purchase products, you automatically receive a commission. You can use your own link to get paid back for purchases you make. Such a deal! Yet another fun thing to do at Pure Energy Rx! SPECIAL NOTE: You can earn reward points by doing tasks, such as referring friends, purchasing product, subscribing, etc. Just click on the "Rewards" tab on the left-hand margin on the website.
Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone of Happy Dreams and Changes"
Spiritually: Enhances cosmic consciousness and stimulates mystical experiences. It enhances meditation and aligns the etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Stimulates intuition and creativity.
Emotionally: Amplifies and brings things to the surface for transformation. Associated with love and passion it intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. Enhances self-worth and helps you to understand your full potential.
Mentally: Brings lightness and spontaneity and encourages an interest in the arts. Strengthens memory.
Physically: Strengthens the will to live. Helps Parkinson's disease, and infections; assists in purifying the blood and kidneys, and helps regulate insulin. Helps ease childbirth, and PMS. Beneficial to the eyes. MORE INFO
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return relevant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Shaken AND Stirred

James Bond's martini order notwithstanding, we can all agree that the world has shifted, and, you know? It's a good thing.
In many spiritual traditions, the in-your-face existential threat is welcomed, as it does more to bring attention away from the ego and into the present than any other method. We have an opportunity to re-assess our choices, find where our actual center is, and regain a higher level of common sense.
Once the reptilian brain has its heyday with the knee-jerk stupidity cortisol response, we regain our wits, and start to see the world for what it really is. Our senses heighten, our intuition is sharpened, and our bullshit detectors are on full sensitivity mode.
We start to see people's true agendas. We see the government's agenda, and the manipulations of the Controllers come into full relief. But most importantly, we see our own agendas, our own self-defeating behaviors, and how we've made excuses about accepting certain features of life we think we can't (or won't) change.
The other overarching advantage to existential threats is how all living things come together to help those who are weaker, those having exceptional difficulties, or are dangerously freaked out. Of course, this is the first thing the Controllers want to ensure: that people do not come together, do not find solace in community, and are as isolated as possible.
Such concepts as disease communicability, promoted with as much urgency and fear across all media channels as possible, shutter everyone in their homes, remove the healing powers of human connection and isolate the individuals to stew in their own fears and darknesses.
Fear is stress, and stress greatly affects immune systems, and yet, the first response to an existential threat is fear. Cortisol commandeers the energies away from repair and rejuvenation, to flight or fight, tensing muscles, raising heartbeat, and narrowing concentration to self-preservation, away from a relaxed view of the big picture.
Controllers long ago knew the power of creating terrorized situations, and by responding to these situations with ongoing fearful worrying, we play right into the scary narrative. Of course, Nature provided us with automatic responses to keep us away from harm, but when that harm is more imagined than real, that's when it truly becomes dangerous.
The reason I feel a sense of relief now, is because I see people waking up, taking stock, and putting things into perspective, despite the frantic media coverages of death and destruction. I see people turning to their spirituality, and becoming more aware of the connectivity of all things.
By embracing the oneness of life, we experience that feeling of love binding it all together, and how life always prevails, despite attacks against it. The feeling and perception of love IS the core of immunity. It is the connective force binding opposites together: for every virus, there's an equal anti-body; for every fear, there is sanctuary, and for every act of destruction, there is a saving grace.
Fear cordons us off from the allowance of blessings, healings, and miracles. So top priority when fear takes over is to allow the blessings of courage, intelligence, and a loving embrace to transform our experience into something greater, more beautiful and wondrous. There is no plague or campaign of terror that can withstand such transformation--it is the Hand of God reaching in with divine touch to take away the fears, install the grace, and bring us all to the realization of our basic immutable eternal nature.
This is the time of jubilee. This is the time to DANCE!
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin