About this time of year over here in the Pacific Northwest, everyone starts making some serious plans to take a trip to find some sun! Yes, yes, we know...it's a rain forest, and if it weren't for the rain, there wouldn't be all the lush foliage, flowers and giant trees. BUT, what I wouldn't give for a full day of sun and a lounger!
With that in mind, I was doing some travelling in my mind to some fabulous resort spas. Check out The Spa at Grove Isle's Watsu massage therapy treatment, an exclusive treatment and at one of only eight locations in the Eastern seaboard--administered in a secluded outdoor pool with Miami's lush scenery and a Roman waterfall as your backdrop. Watsu massage is done in a warm pool with the masseuse, using the bouyancy of the water to allow for more freedom of movement.
And then there's the Ranch at Live Oak in the Santa Monica Mountains. A funny and entertaining article by Christina Binkley, one of the attendees at the ranch undergoing the super-strict "Starvation Diet," to the tune of $5600 a week. Her story is a good read, and gives you an idea of the lengths some people will go to, to feel like they're doing something good for themselves.
On a different note, I've been following closely the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown. Elevated radiation levels have shown up across the U.S., and radioactive iodine was found in milk in Washington state. Although the levels are not directly health-threatening, it is yet another environmental stress we all have to endure. More than ever, we recommend supplementing with enzymes. Add in kelp or nori seaweed to daily meals to ensure good iodine levels in your body. Also, my dear hydro-colonic therapist, Joanie Falconer, has a great article about using bentonite clay to address radiation exposure. She says in her blog, "Radioactive material is formed carrying a positive ionic charge. Calcium Bentonite Clay is a negatively charged ion. Simply put, Calcium Bentonite Clay adsorbs and absorbs, capturing positive charged ions, and you wash them off or pass them through your body."
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Shay Arave, President
Time and Manifestation

Albert Einstein once said that time is Nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once. And if you've ever tried to "make something happen," you probably wished that rule could be suspended. Time can be your friend, and can be your foe, depending on your expectations. At a quantum level, the basic truth of the matter is that
every intent is manifested. Once an intent is formed, instantly things at the atomic level begin to change. There is no such thing as putting out an intention and then
nothing happens. Scientifically and physically, this is impossible. Thought and matter are so connected as to be one and the same. I've concluded that it is a matter of perception and estimation. When we want something to happen, often times that intent comes with baggage--we want it to happen a "certain way," or we may include fear, or skepticism around the intent. The thing to notice is that when an intent is placed it originates from the current terrain of feelings, emotions, and subconscious thinking. I believe this "terrain" determines how much time is injected between intent and manifestation.
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The Altruism Stress Remedy

Do acts of kindness and generosity enhance our health, increase our longevity and make us happier? Can
heart-directed altruism reduce stress? Research shows when we act in other people's behalf, we feel better, more secure and experience less stress. In a study that followed over 400 women for 30 years, researchers found 52% of those who did not engage in volunteer work experienced a major illness, compared with only 36% of those who volunteered. In a British poll of volunteers, half of those surveyed said their health had improved over the course of volunteering. One in five said volunteering had even helped them lose weight. Another large study found a 44% reduction in early death among those who volunteered - more significant even than exercising four times a week. An investigation conducted by the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research found older people who are helpful to others reduce their risk of dying by nearly 60% compared to peers who provide neither practical help nor emotional support to relatives, neighbors or friends. So help someone--it's good for you!

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