I have been in San Diego, CA, this past couple of weeks for my annual sojourn to
Optimum Health Institute. I enjoy the respite from my "normal" life, and the OHI programs are a great refresher course for how to further create a vibrant life. Gourmet-style vegan food, yoga, colonics and plenty of rest and reading recharges the body and nourishes the soul.
No trip to San Diego would be complete without visiting my dear friend, Emily Razzano of d'tox to go. This delightful lady specializes in creating scrumptous food items that aid the body (and the mind) in detoxification--a perfect fit for my time at OHI. Emily makes amazingly tasty seed crackers and pates, and even her famous "Raw Scream Sandwiches," made from frozen bananas. Wow, great!
So much of what we call "healing" is completely dependent on our thinking patterns, and much reward can come from observing how we often self-talk ourselves into a health crisis. Ultimately, to begin a healing regimen is to already be healed--the body doing its processes to "catch up" with its newly healed space. This is not so much an act of "faith," but an act of Truth. The truth that consciousness itself is the creative force of experience. I urge you to read Boyd Martin's new article, "The Trouble with Healing," for insight on this fascinating mind-body topic (see below).
We've also been having an abundantly rich spiritual journey around the Tattvas Oils and Amulets. Candice Covington's extremely insightful (and useful) book, The Panchatattvas: Karma & The Metaphysics of The Five Great Elements, really brings these fundamental concepts into your life as active principles. There is so much powerful information here, we just can't recommend it enough!
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Shay Arave, President
The Trouble with Healing
The concept of "healing" has always bothered me, but I never could put my finger on exactly why it did. Until recently. I attended a series of three seminars by a remarkable man, Dr. Richard Bartlett, who has named the energy he works with "Matrix Energetics." One of the main tenets of
Matrix Energetics revolves around the concept of "less is more"--the less you actually try to do for a person, the more effective what you
do do is. This is a very deep concept, and it took me a while to wrap my head around it. But, through a series of personal experiments and by observing carefully, suddenly one day, it became obvious to me. And here's why. What we are noticing about the world is what we're creating. This statement is backed up by years of research in quantum physics. What is observed, changes.
>>>> MORE
Making Habits Work for You

When there is talk about "lifestyle," most of what that refers to is
personal habits--the small activities you do everyday as a routine: walking the dog, brushing teeth, fixing morning coffee, watching your favorite TV show, etc., etc. Habits can either be "bad" or "good." Bad habits are behaviors that diminish quality of life; good habits create good feelings about self and increase the quality of life. Replacing bad habits with good ones, for some, is a life-time challenge, but anyone can benefit from a "habit makeover." Take a look at your habits. Which ones do you want to change? Replacing a bad habit with a good one is the only way to change a bad habit, since just "stopping" doing the bad habit doesn't redirect that energy anywhere so you could end up with yet another bad habit! Here are sensible steps for creating new good habits:
- Do one habit at a time.
- Make it easy to do.
- Do it consciously, very consciously at first.
- Don't allow any exceptions (zero tolerance--make a solid decision).
- Post your progress publicly (on a blog or Twitter, or even just a note on the frig).
- Keep doing it, every single day, no "time off"--we're trying to make a habit here.
- Enjoy the habit.

For our Vibrant Living Subscribers only, 20% off the
Life Energy Pack--all four of the original Subtle Energy Formulas for
only $80. Use the discount code
LEP20 in the designated box when you checkout through the website shopping cart.
This offer is good till Mar. 31, 2011)