The sun was beaming down in all its spring-full glory outside of my office window. I couldn't resist, gave myself a break, and headed outdoors. It was deliciously warm and the air was fragrant with the airs of young flower blossoms. I rustled up the camera and decided to walk around the neighborhood to photograph the spring blooms.
I didn't have to go far. Immediately to right of the house, a glorius Japanese plum tree had overnight exploded in bloom and was an obvious photo subject (right); and then at the end of the driveway, a clump of energetic daffodils waved lightly in the breeze. That was another picture (below). So not 10 steps out of the house, and spring was everywhere!
Send us your pictures of spring blooms, and we'll post them on our blog!
I hope you like our new newsletter format. We'll be sending the Vibrant Living Newsletter out every Friday for your weekend enjoyment, chock full of the latest tips for vibrant living, as well as the very latest body, mind and spirit news from nearly 50 sources. Please let us know how you like it, or if you have any suggestions about features, news and living tips.
The freshness of spring just makes me want to clean everything, and as I dusted, mopped and wiped, I reminded myself about the inner cleaning necessary to maintain good health. Of course, there are the basics such as drinking plenty of water, deep breathing, exercise every day--but about twice a year, I get inspired to do a body system cleanse.
Here's a good regimen that has worked for me, is easy to do, and not too stressful:
- For 3 days take ReleaseZyme Enzyme Formula.
- On the 4th day, take a break from food for 24 hours, and instead drink a gallon of Carrot Top Tea with 10 drops of E-4 in it (continue with the ReleaseZyme).
- Upon rising the next day, take several long, deep breaths, drink a glass of warm water with half a lemon squeezed into it and 5 drops of E-1.
- Do a thorough skin brushing.
- Take a brisk walk for 20 minutes.
- For lunch eat a serving of crisp green salad with dark green lettuce, spinach, cabbage, cucumbers, carrots and celery. Top with vinegar and olive oil, and squirt a half-dropperful of E-2 on it, and take two caps of DigestZyme Enzyme Formula.
- For supper, cozy up with a nice veggie soup with 5 drops of E-1 in it, and take two caps of DigestZyme Enzyme Formula.
Usually, doing this little program gets me inspired to take off those pesky winter pounds, and I've always had great results with our
Herbal Accelerator (it's on sale--see below). It reduces the appetite and gently increases energy, as well as ramps up the metabolism. Herbal Accelerator is best taken with the Body Type enzyme formulas. I'm a Body Type 2, so I take the
DigestZyme and
LypoZyme combination. Check out the link to the Body Type Survey at the top of the right-hand column to determine which enzyme protocol would be best for you.
We'll be back next week with more fun stuff!
In vibrant health,

Shay Arave
Pure Energy Rx
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Herbal Accelerator...Rev up your metabolism...2-4-1 SALE!
Speed up that spring weight loss with Herbal Accelerator. And to help you do that, we're offering a 2-4-1 SALE. Buy one Herbal Accelerator ($28), and get TWO! We recommend using this formula alongside our recommended Body Type formulas determined from our Body Type Survey.
To lose those extra pounds:
- Find out your BODY TYPE
- Get the body type FORMULA
- Use RELEASEZYME to help regulate the bowels.
- Drink plenty of WATER (1 oz. for every 2 lbs. of body weight)
- Eat HIGH FIBER foods such as fruits and vegetables
- Get 30 min. of EXERCISE a day
- Watch those pounds FALL AWAY!
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