Many people believe that the passage of time is the sole cause of what ages us. Although it causes a reduction in the number of healthy cells in our bodies, time is only one factor. Being youthful is not a chronological age, but more so good health and a healthy spirit.
A nutrient rich diet is the centerpiece of a vibrant, long life. As you age, your body needs and burns fewer calories. One's diet must become even more nourishing and higher in antioxidants as the years pass. A good diet improves health, provides a high energy level, maintains a harmonious system balance, keeps your memory and thinking sharp, helps fight off disease, and contributes to a youthful appearance.
- Cultured/fermented foods for friendly digestive flora
- Fruits and vegetables that offer quick absorption of high quality nutrients
- Sea Greens for chlorophyll and natural iodine
- Whole grains nuts seeds and beans for protein, fiber, minerals and essential fatty acids
- Plenty of pure water keeps your body hydrated and clean
- Healthy unsaturated fats and oils keep your body at its best
- Eating poultry, other meats, butter, eggs and dairy in moderation
Forget the unrealistic dieting goals. Simply take care of yourself and your body in a way that brings you a sense of peace and calm. Love yourself, and when you look in the mirror every day this year, and for the rest of your life, reconnect with the beautiful person that you are, and say, “I am fabulous!” If you don’t believe it the first time, say it again, "I am fabulous!"
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Boyd Martin, Caretaker
Your Thoughts, Your Body
the truth of the matter is that what we unconsciously intend, think and feel affects our bodies. As a child, I wondered if being afraid was bad for my health. I mean, after all, fear caused my heart to beat frantically, made the hair stand up on the back of my neck, sent cold adrenal flushes to my legs and arms, and made the blood run away from my brain. Could that be good for you? Likewise with depression, and all its affiliated physical symptoms. How could anyone think that feelings, intentions and thoughts DIDN'T affect your body?
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