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Hello, Vibrant Reader!
When it comes to health, especially when you're trying to change a physical condition, Trey Looney from Transformation Enzymes made a good point in his recent email: "Remember, it takes at least 21 days just to initiate a change in your biochemistry, much less actually improve it. Then 90 days sees real change. Believe me when I say I have seen fantastic results when someone commits to a three-month program." In these days of instant gratification, people new to nutrition supplements sometimes do not understand Trey's point. Supplements are not aspirin. They are a way of changing your basic biochemistry so that the pain and discomfort stops, the energy and vitality returns, and/or depression dissipates. It's a process that takes patience. Patience is commitment and consistency. We've been promoting the Body Type system Dr. Fuller-Looney has championed for years. This system works, but it takes the consistency of a 3-month program to start to make some long-term changes in your biochemistry. If you have started on the enzyme regimen for your body type, but did not stick to it for three months, try it again. It's so worth it! If you're looking to change your physical experience for the better, you can take the Body Type Survey on our website, and it will tell you the enzyme supplements you need. Then, commit to 90 days. I know you'll love it! We've added two more Transformation Enzyme formulas to our catalog (see blog), and we are now offering Clean Sweep, an energy spray that clears negativity. It's remarkably effective, and is a great way to help keep your commitment and consistency! Until next time... In vibrant health,
This program includes supplemental enzymes and a "thermogenic" formula called Herbal Accelerator. The supplemental enzymes are determined using this online Body Type Survey. The survey will tell you what body type you have, and the digestive enzymes that work the best for that type (Get two Herbal Accelerators for the price of one, and 1/3 OFF the other formulas). The combination of the body type enzymes and the Herbal Accelerator, along with these simple lifestyle changes, will help you quickly shed those pounds. Water - Enzymatic action causes material in the gastrointestinal tract and in the blood to be broken down more thoroughly. This means more waste material will be available for elimination by the body's organs. Elimination is facilitated by water intake, and it can be stated that elimination can be greatly impaired without sufficient water intake. We recommend drinking half, in ounces, of your body weight in pounds. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces (around three quarts) of water per day while using the enzymes.
Exercise - Getting the blood and lymph circulation going is important for any health regimen, but in weight loss it is imperative. As the fat and waste materials are broken down by the enzymes, they must be moved through and out of the complex body systems. And in terms of weight loss, stored fat can only be used for body fuel when more energy is needed than is supplied by food intake. In other words, more calories have to be burned than are taken in every day. Getting body systems in motion and flowing allows the enzymes to do their main work of breaking down toxins, fats, and other wastes to unburden the body of excesses. Rotating activities throughout the week, such as walking, trampolining, weight training, and calesthenics are recommended.
Diet - For efficient weight loss, a diet should avoid: refined carbohydrates (such as processed breads, pastries, pasta, etc.); hydrolyzed fats (common in fried foods and commercial soups); toxic preservatives (such as nitrites, nitrates, benzoates, BHT, BHA, food coloring and sulfites). By avoiding these foods, it allows the enzymes to do their work much more efficiently to help bring about more rapid weight loss. >>>>> MORE
New Subtle Energy Product
Hook your body up to a life energy battery! Give your body the energy it needs to heal itself. Most naturopathic physicians will tell you that the main problem with giving herbal formulas or homeopathics, is that very often their patients' bodies lack enough ENERGY to fully utilize the healing properties of the medicines. To help fix this, the doctors will then prescribe dietary fasts, massage or acupuncture in an attempt to get energy into the body system. Once this has been done, then the herbal formulas will have much more punch and less waste. Modern-day quantum physics has begun to scientifically explain these ancient practices, and new technologies are now available as a result. Quantum physics refers to this life energy, or "chi," as SUBTLE ENERGY. Without having to get too technical, the laws of quantum physics allow that life energy can be transferred from one substance to another. This is where the Life Energy Super Pack comes in... >>>> MORE INFO
We recommend... ![]() ![]() By Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney, Women's Health is a definitive look at the relationship between digestive enzymes and hormones, and how hormonal imbalances in women can be traced back to enzyme deficiencies. This book is a logical, no-nonsense evaluation of the current medical approaches that overlook digestive enzymes as an ultimate solution. Dr. Fuller-Looney makes her case by showing that the symptoms of protein malabsorption are the same as the symptoms of menopause. DOWNLOAD HERE |