As we all know the upcoming Summer Olympics will be held in Beijing, China next year. And according to reports on the Internet, the Opening Ceremonies have been scheduled for August 8, 2008 (08/08-08), starting at 08:08:08 PM. Very apparently, the number 8 is important to the Chinese people. Why? Well, in Feng Shui every number has a specific meaning. The numbers that make up your house number, the number on your apartment door, your cellphone, your license plate number and even your age all have a very specific significance to you and to your life. The energy of these numbers can describe the experience you will have in that house, with that car or even during a certain year of your life.
Groups of numbers can be viewed from the perspective of each of the numbers separately having a unique energy. Or, the digits can be added together and finally reduced to a single number. Let's take an example. Let's say that your house number is 2177. This number can be interpreted as a combination of the energy of the 2, the energy of the 1, and the energy of the number 7, twice. Or, the numbers can be added together and reduced to a single digit, in this case: 2 + 1 + 7 + 7 = 17. Then reduce the 17 to 1 + 7 = 8. The total energy of your house would be 8.
In China the meaning of numbers is often influenced by words that sound like other words (homonyms). When a number sounds like certain words, the number takes on the meaning of those words. This is less common in Western cultures. For instance, we do not connect the meaning of the word "meet" with the "meat" we have for our dinner. However, we do have a tradition of associating certain meanings with our numbers. So, when we consider the meanings of the numbers in our lives, we can enhance our understanding of their power by considering both the Eastern and Western interpretation.
In Feng Shui, numbers are also divided into Yin numbers (Yin numbers represent negative or feminine energy) and Yang numbers (Yang numbers represent masculine or positive energy). Traditionally Yang numbers are considered to be stronger and luckier than Yin numbers. However, Yin numbers are very useful when softer, gentler energy is needed.
The Zero is considered empty and can represent negative or positive energy. It is neither Yin nor Yang. It often represents a void or an emptiness. Often the first number in a chain of numbers can represent the strongest energy in the chain, sort of an introduction to the whole energy field. But, since our house numbers and apartment numbers and phone numbers rarely start with zero, it's usually not a concern here in the West. On a positive note, numbers containing a zero, like your 30th birthday, can indicate unlimited potential and a new beginning. Here the zero represents new opportunity.
One is a Yang number (masculine and strong) and represents unity. In the West we would consider "1" a solitary figure, independent and outspoken. Living in or around "1" energy can cause you to feel like you don't need relationships and are better off on your own. But in Feng Shui the number "1" represents our unity with all things, our ability to be in harmony with plants, animals, our environment as well as with the people and possessions we enjoy.
Two is a Yin number (feminine and peaceful) and represents symmetry. It is a powerful number for relationships and indicates or represents the two sides of one coin - inseparable from each other and reliant on one another for stability. Symmetry is highly prized in Feng Shui, as it represents peace and balance. The number "2" encourages the search for relationships and helps you find your equal.
Three is a Yang number and is a homonym for the Chinese word, "growth." Three is often used in popular sayings and proverbs in China to teach human virtues. And since they believe that virtuous behavior benefits the person who practices it, the number "3" is considered lucky. In the West, "3" is considered the number of ideas and teamwork. It is the right half of the number "8" (if you were to cut an "8" in half). It represents the planning before construction.
Four is a Yin number and sounds like the Chinese verb "to die". Also the number "4" in it's written form (Chinese) looks like a combination of the words "sun" and "eight" which is interpreted as the sun blocked by the clouds. So the number four is not considered lucky. In the West "4" represent stability, like the four legs of a table. The energy of the number "4" is reminiscent of the symbol of Saturn, which represents hard work and striving for success.
Five is a Yang number and is used to count the many important elements in Chinese thought. There are five senses, five elements, five vital organs and the five directions, just to name a few. The number "5" does sound like the Chinese word for "nothing" but this has not diminished the popularity of this number. Five is considered balanced and complete. In the West "5" represents excitement and change, the possibilities of new direction and new paths. You are offered both lots of opportunities and challenges when you live in a "5" home, or during a "5" year.
Six is a Yin number and is considered lucky. It sounds like the Chinese word for "good luck". Combining a "6" with an odd number makes it even luckier because there is a balance of Yin and Yang. In Western thought the number six is a nurturing number and represents the energy of taking care of others. It also represents another important concept: prosperity.
Seven is a Yang number and used warily in the East as it is associated with rituals of death including the qiqi ritual where the soul of the dead passes through gates of hell. This number is not considered lucky. We, here in the West, often connect "7" with its rhyming word, Heaven. Seven is often associated with spiritual thought. However "7" can be a lonely number, the energy of having ideas and convictions but having to stand alone, as the "7" stands on one leg.
Eight is a Yin number and is connected to the Chinese word for "happiness". It is also an important number since it represents the eight trigrams of the I Ching and the eight immortals (those who have achieve immortality through pious living and meditation). So "8" is a lucky number, and "88", double happiness, the ideal number for a happy marriage. The number eight is the only number where the top half is the same as the bottom half so in the West it represents the concept: "as above so below". This number has come to represent money and power and manifesting your ideas (above) in your world (below).
Nine is a Yang number and in Chinese, is a homonym for the word: "longevity". The number "9" is considered lucky and auspicious. In the West it is also considered a lucky number. The energy of a "9" is about being able to choose what is important to you, what is valuable to you, and the ability to let go of all the rest. It is sometimes seen as a representation of wishes coming true.
Numbers and the combinations in your life may be bringing you happiness and harmony or causing you challenges. For a consultation on the numbers in your life and to explore ways of benefiting from (or dealing with) the energy surrounding you, call Donna at 480-247-2446 or e-mail at donna@fengshuiform.com