First, let?s make physical and metaphoric SPACE for fresh chi and good fortune to come into your home and life. Time to clear all the old stagnant chi from your home and office and anything that depresses your life-force.
CLEAR OUT YOUR CLUTTER--Just DO it! Please don?t forget your purse, wallet, computer, paper files, emails, voice-mails, the fridge and pantry. Make sure you clear under your bed, the front entrance, hallways and stairs. Toss all chipped, cracked or broken crockery.
MAKE SPACE in your file drawers if you want MORE JOBS and clients.
DEEP CLEAN your house and office with aromatherapy cleaners and as you do so, imagine your are sweeping away all illness, obstacles, bad luck, negative attitudes, and everything causing grief, stress, anxiety or frustration to members of your household or office. Make sure to do your stove and desk. The entire space should be sparkling! Make sure all of the trash and recycling are emptied on New Years Eve (if you?re reading this on New Years Day, though, wait until tomorrow).
Do a very simple BLESSING by opening all the windows and then walking through each of your cleaned rooms in a clock-wise manner three times, striking bells or singing bowls; then three times with sandalwood incense-both while chanting mantras or saying prayers of your choice.
INCREASE THE LIGHT in your environment. Dust all of your light bulbs and replace with higher wattage and new lamp-shades, if necessary. Wash your mirrors. Clean your windows.
Deep clean YOUR CAR inside and out?this is the vehicle that takes you forward in your life and career.
MOVE YOUR FURNITURE placement, even if just few inches.
Pay off as many of your debts as possible and pay all of your current bills in full to set the intention of being DEBT-FREE in the New Year.
Refresh your "Mouth of Chi" aka the FRONT ENTRANCE to your home or business. Clear anything blocking your entrance; give a fresh coat of paint to your front door in a bright color and treat yourself to a new door mat.
Take care of your FENG SHUI CURES! Deep-clean your aquarium and water features and fill with sparkling purified water. Put your crystal spheres overnight in salt water and wash under strong cold water in the morning. Refresh any weary red ribbons or stings on your cures.
MAKE AMENDS with anyone with whom you?ve had a row or falling-out.
And, last but definitely not least, please make a LIST OF YOUR ENERGY DRAINS: everything--everyone, situation, habit, pattern, or thought that drains and depletes your life force and happiness. Clear as many as you possibly can, and carry on with them into 2009-?this is an incredibly potent and loving thing to do for yourself.
WELCOME, 2009!
Welcome the energy of 2009 with open arms, great joy, beauty and festivity as you would a beloved friend and honored guest.
Chi rides on the wind so bring in a gentle breeze of precious new life-force by OPENING ALL THE DOORS AND WINDOWS at least ten minutes every day. Keep ringing bells, playing uplifting music, sacred music or nature sounds every day, too. Burn sandalwood incense daily.
FILL YOUR PANTRY AND FRIDGE full of healthy vibrant and delicious foods.
Add lots and lots of festive SPARKLING LIGHTS and lit candles.
Send out invites for a special meal or CELEBRATION to occur during the two-week Lunar New Year as joy and laughter are most excellent Feng Shui. Have a noisy, uplifting and happy party with an abundance of food, music and laughter!
Hang beautiful Swarovski round FACETED CRYSTAL spheres in windows to lift the chi and create gorgeous rainbows.
Hang a brass temple bell wind-chime outside and to the side of your front entrance to ring in OPPORTUNITIES.
Bring in lots of green HEALTHY PLANTS?you can make a path with 9 of them from the front door to your bedroom.
Treat yourself to a brand NEW PURSE AND WALLET (red!) and fill with lots of cash (brand new, best of all). Add money from a rich person, 3 coins on a red ribbon and a Lucky Dollar.
Put fresh NEW CLEAN SHEETS on all the beds and replace all the towels. New ones are best of all, if you can.
Ladies, you'll like this one?buy a NEW RED OUTFIT for the New Year celebrations! Also, get a hair cut or a new hair style.
FEED THE BIRDS as these sweet creatures symbolize the bringing of good news and they lift the happiness chi around a home.
More on, "HOW TO MAKE YOUR 2009 YEAR OF THE OX REALLY ROCK" -- Click here for the full scoop!
Gwynne Warner
10,000 Blessings Feng Shui