I just love the winter quiet when there is such stillness, the palpable spirit of good-will and the organic yin movement of turning inwards for contemplation at the flame of our hearts. My husband and I have been eating some dinners in front of the fire with our beloved kitty, Buddha, nestled in. So it is in this spirit, I offer some simple and joyous feng shui tips for these holidays...
Practice Compassion and Generosity
You might wish to offer cash donations to charities, spiritual teachers and organizations in red envelopes and certainly contribute to 'peace on earth and goodwill towards all' with performing one act of loving kindness each day.
Increase the Light
During the Holy Days, the amplifying of the physical light is a shining metaphor of welcoming spiritual light-it's a perfect time to wash windows, shine mirrors, light candles and fires and hang brilliant crystals, colored lights and shiny ornaments everywhere to raise your chi and spirits.
Decorate with Feng Shui Intentions
When you decorate, please only use what you truly love (nothing broken or with bad memories). Be careful of over-decorating and blocking the flow of chi.
Place your candle holders or Christmas Tree or Tree of Life (live best of all!) in the appropriate area of the Bagua related to the aspect of your life you wish to transform. Then add the Bagua-appropriate color with candles, electric lights and glass ornaments to amplify your wishes.
For example, place a live green tree in the prosperity corner of your living room and decorate with purple and gold or red, and green lights and glass balls. You could use glittery, gold or silver candles in the helpful people area. As always, hang your ornaments and lights with strong intentions for transformation!
- Helpful People Area: glittery, gold or silver candles and baubles; angels; gold or clear crystals; gemstones for wishes being granted
- Prosperity: presents (giving and receiving); chocolate Hanukkah gelt (money); purple, red, green and gold crystals, lights and glass balls; coins on red ribbon; Santa Clause and Laughing Buddha; Christmas tree with presents; Tree of Wealth (coins)
- Spirituality, Wisdom: Three Wise Men; Three Gods of Longevity, Health and Happiness (Fuk, Luk, and Sau); religious figures; blue crystals; burning frankincense and myrrh
- Reputation: stars, menorahs, candles; red crystals; Christmas tree with red lights
- Health: plants; bowls of fruits; wu lou ornaments
- Children, Creativity: dreidel; toys; bowls of ornaments
- Relationships: pair of red poinsettas; sweet things
- Family: Christmas tree; green ornaments; wooden nativity scenes Balance the Yin and Yang
- For more energy, Yang chi: red and orange colors, uplifting music, fires
- For restoring energy, Yin chi: naps, quiet, darkness, doing less and being more, long hot baths
Reduce your Stress

Clear all of the clutter and deep clean before decorating. Remove all sharp things pointed towards your body ("poison arrows") such as sharp carving knives at the table. Invite calm with the Inhale/Exhale meditation. Play beautiful and uplifting sacred music. Use the fragrance of fresh oranges or sweet orange aromatherapy. Be careful of too much fire energy, though.
Create a Beautiful Table
Ideally, your dining table should be oval or round or cover sharp corners with a tablecloth. When setting the table, use sparkling silver, china and glassware as well as lots of candles and crystals (on top of mirrors) for even more shine. Hang a mirror across from the table to 'double' the abundance of your feast.
Auspicious Gift Giving Ideas
Giving gifts encourages Good Fortune, Abundance and Good Luck! Presents of Feng Shui, deities, objects with auspicious symbols or purses and billfolds with real money inside are most auspicious.
I wish you the most beautiful, restful & tender holy days for you & your loved ones!
Gwynne Warner
10,000 Blessings Feng Shui