March, 2005
"One thing that Norman found out," says Debrah, "Is that subtle energy bonds extremely well to oxygen. So we were doing experiments by energizing our oxygen supplements, and just seeing how energized we could get them. Of course, what else we discovered is that we were getting high as kites!"
"That's one of the reasons I really love it," says Stuart, "Because in a sense, it can't be proven, but people are definitely having experiences with it."
First meeting up with McVea, was a major turning point for Stuart. "I was in the fashion industry, and I had taken a year off. I had been in Hong Kong. I had a very successful fashion business, and I just realized that this was just not it for me. I needed something with more meaning and significance. A year off to the day I met Norman. I was introduced to his systems, and they took me into very deep states of meditation. Because of my experience in manufacturing, fashion and jewelry, I just knew this was next. I had all these openings. I just knew. My ideal was that, in time, I wanted to be able to design energized clothing and energized jewelry, and it took me nine years. But I did it!"
Mega Chi Pendant by Debrah Stuart Stuart founded Oxybliss in 2004, to create beautiful wearable energy. Her first piece, The MegaChi Pendant is a circa 1957 Frank Lloyd Wright design. Stuart chose this design because of its simplistic beauty and sacred geometry. The MegaChi Pendant is the first in a series of designer pieces to be scientifically energized with Harmonic Resonance Energy (HRE). HRE uses patterns and codes based on the ancient science of bio-geometry--a field of subtle energy research currently led by renown Egyptologist, Dr. Ibrahim Karim.
Before Debrah, or Pure Energy Rx for that matter, can be accused of dabbling in a woo-woo field, let us take a look at the current state of affairs regarding bio-medical research as it has been reeling from the ramifications of quantum physics over the past 30 years.
Concepts about un-measurable, invisible energies underlying reality are not new. On the contrary, they've been around for centuries. The difference is, 50 years ago they were relegated to "metaphysical beliefs without scientific basis." For example, 6th Century B.C. Chinese sage, Lao Tzu is quoted as saying, "There are numberless energy rays in the Universe... All rays come from the subtle nature of the Universe... The interwoven energy net influences the lives of individual human beings, whole societies and entire races... A virtuous individual who responds to the high, pure, harmonious subtle energy rays and integrates them with the positive elements of his own inner being may strengthen his life, enhance his health and power, and lengthen his years."
This statement made nearly 2500 years ago would have been scoffed at by modern physicists as lately as the 1970's, but with the advent of intensive research into the deeper meanings of quantum physics, Lao Tzu now sounds quite sensible to very prominent and respected scientists.
James Oschman, in his definitive book on the subject, Energy Medicine--The Scientific Basis (2000), points out that renown 19th Century physicist, Max Planck said that "mind" was the "matrix of all matter." Contemporary scientist Ronald D. Pearson (1997) went further, postulating that mind arises at a sub-quantum level of reality which is structured, "like a neural network."
As these heady concepts trickle down into the latest biochemical research, long-cherished assumptions have been rudely challenged. For example, it has always been thought that electromagnetic fields must be powerful enough to produce heat or ionization before they can affect cellular functions. This has been disproved. It is now known that tiny amounts of energy at the appropriate frequency can produce profound biological effects, even in the presence of much higher levels of noise.
Oschman says, "We are learning that cells maintain their organized society by 'whispering together' in a faint and private language. The 'whispers' travel as both chemical and electromagnetic messages. Learning the electromagnetic codes used in these whispers has become a new and important focus for researchers, and obviously has enormous clinical importance." In fact, as Oschman points out in his book, such newly acknowledged energies as scalar waves, and the general term of "subtle energies" have now been shown to affect biological systems even independent of distances.
Stretching the envelope even further, French biologist, Dr. Jacques Benveniste showed that it was possible to digitally record a biological solution's activity, store it on a computer hard drive, send it over the Internet as an e-mail attachment, and transfer it to a water sample at the receiving end. This was just too much for some skeptics, who called it "improbable research," yet none of the skeptics were quantum physicists. Oschman comments, "Benveniste's findings are based on simple logic and do not violate any accepted principles."
As is true with Debrah's work in the subtle energy field, results speak louder than words. "We have clients that come back to us year after year, after year," says Debrah. "Our best business is our repeat business, and that's because it really does work. You definitely do experience these higher states of consciousness, and I really think it's about letting go of who you are not. I think all this armoring, as Norman would call it, is really our attitudes, choices and decisions we've made about ourselves that just aren't true. It's not who we are. So all of our technologies are designed to release that, and it's been a beautiful journey. I could not have built this company without the technology, because it gave me the vitality and the energy, and just the go-for-it-ness to persevere in a field where no man has gone before, let alone a woman!"
Besides the pendant, the engaging and vivacious Debrah has designed several other beautiful subtle energy devices, applying principles of the biogeometry knowledge she learned from Dr. Karim, and the well-documented work of Royal Rife, and Wilhelm Reich, all with rave reviews from her clients. One series of devices she romantically calls the Atlantis Highlife, incorporates a stunning visual design with powerful energy fields that seem to interact with the brain creating wonderful states of being.
"By wearing our pendant, or being within the radius of an Atlantis Highlife," explains Debrah, "You are raising your resonance, because our energy vibrates at an extremely high resonant frequency. The Law of Resonance, is that when two resonant frequencies come together, one either lifts or lowers, but they meet somewhere in the middle. So the more you are around our technology, the higher your resonance. There's also what I call a 'resonant shakedown,' where as you lift your resonance, you are letting go of who you are not. So in doing that you're going to experience a certain amount of release, and it can be a little bit uncomfortable at times. But, it's such an incredible time now to release all this stuff. There is just so much help, and it's what I think we all came here for."
Debrah hopes her devices will be used as tools, as opposed to simple ambience enhancers. "A lot of what I say is that the systems work with intention whether it be the pendants or the Atlantises, even the CDs--we have the energy fields on CDs (a la Benveniste), so it's so important to ask for what you want. Because you in a sense, have a more direct connection with the All That Is, the Divine, just with all the help that I believe is there right now. Your life can be more magical, if you will, in that magic is changing reality in accordance and compliance with your will--but, you must ask. You have to ask, and that's really why we say our technology will not brush your teeth for you. You need to intend, you need to ask."
In other words, just having these devices around isn't going to get that spiritual work done for you. One still needs to address the issues in life, be aware of decisions and judgments, and strive for betterment.
Debrah at work"I've been focusing a lot right now on forgiveness, and deeper levels of it," adds Debrah. "I thought I was already done. I thought I'd forgiven everybody that I needed to forgive, but there are deeper levels. Things shifted for me so dramatically after I did that, I cannot tell you. It's been so beautiful, and I've been manifesting up a storm--the clarity that's come in. It's a process, particularly if you're focused on your growth. I've seemed to have gotten through it, and now it just feels like I've reached another level, another plateau. I'm still the same Debrah, but there is just more of me, more of who I am. It's really a feeling of what you want that is the key. One of my favorites sayings right now is, 'Live as if until it is.' This can be for relationship, health, or abundance, whatever that is for you."
Debrah Stuart and OxyBliss
by Boyd Martin
Back in 1997, Debrah Stuart and Dr. Norman McVea, Ph.D., co-founded Oxygen Research Institute, LLC., located in Marin County, California. The company produced oxygen-fortified products, including anti-aging products and spa energy systems. The purpose of the company, and Dr. McVea's 30 years of research, was to help people reach higher states of consciousness using subtle energy technology.