Simply put, it is four quantum medicine formulas that cover the majority of major system symptoms in the body. Although it is mosly used for acute conditions and first aid, long-term use of these remarkable formulas has deep and lasting benefits for wellness. My Personal Experience with the E-Formulas
I was one of the test subjects reporting in as a "beta tester" for the E-4 Formula, which later was released as Foundation / Immune. This whole "medicine platform" acts differently on body systems than anything I've ever experienced. The formulas carry information AND energy with specific frequencies that match major body systems:
Other chronic conditions were acid reflux and heart palpitations, both of which promptly resolved using the E-2 formula. E-2 was designed to send energy through the "Golden Warmer"--a network of energy channels depicted in Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture. I also used E-2 for lower back pain caused from stressed kidneys, and E-2 is great for constipation or loose bowels. The E-4 Foundation formula can act as an amplifier for the other two formulas, and will work as an amplifier on any herbal formula, or nutritional source. The action of E-4 is to connect the upper energy centers of the body with the lower energy centers, creating a "whole body" response to remedies, food, and even environmental conditions. It has a calming and harmonizing effect against harmful EMF (such as wi-fi, cell towers, televisions, etc.), and regulates the immune system accordingly. It will calm an overactive immune response (such as allergies and auto-immune conditions), and ramp up immune response if it is sluggish, giving the body energy to create and replace more T-Cells, and help to repair mitochondria of the cell. E-3: "The Miracle Lotion"
As a professional drummer, E-3 has bailed me out of dozens of injuries and aches and pains that would have, in some cases, prevented me from playing gigs. Shoulder bursitis was a big one, and wrist pain, which can mess up your rhythm and distract your attention, which you can't afford during a musical performance. I've used the cream on everything from headaches and backaches, to insect bites, to cuts and bruises. E-3 will cut in half healing time, and I've used it on cuts (some severe), and with daily application, there was no scar left from the injury. Beyond using the E-3 for first aid, nightly application of the cream over the thymus (breastbone), calms and rejuvenates the immune system, and application on the bottoms of the feet and palms greatly aids the body's repair systems. Having worked with these formulas for over 20 years, I can say they have come through consistently and effectively every time I've used them. Plus, these medicines have taught me a lot about how the body works, and how to be in touch with the body and its myriad messages and states. All four formulas make up the Life Energy Pack, and I sell it as a package deal, but for this promotion, I am offering an addition 20% off the already discounted package. So now's the time to try the Life Energy Pack if you haven't already, and stock up, as I'm making this offer only for the month of April, 2019. Just use the discount code LEP20 when you order from the website.
So, check out the webpage, and all the wonderful testimonials about these formulas, and I look forward to sending you your own Life Energy Pack!