Sun., Nov. 9, 1997, Little Bear Saloon, Evergreen, CO -- At about 10 a.m. I received a call from the club owner, Dave, informing us that we were to vacate the house by noon, because the housecleaner was coming over, and the next band was going to stay there. This was a surprise to us because the original understanding was we were able to remain in the house through Tuesday night. So we packed up our shit and threw it in the van as the snow began to fall. Meanwhile, Joanna and Darnell showed up at the club and talked to Dave, who was putting them up in a ritzy hideaway further up in the mountains, with dinner and wine, as a wedding present. Vic, Tony and I had less luck, and were put up in a single cabin room. It was drafty, but we enjoyed watching "Outbreak" on the miniature TV. Oh, yeah, we had to play from 2-6 p.m. and then load out right away for the "Dill Picolo" band (one of the sax players from Roomful of Blues' own band out of Rhode Island). On the way out, we had been loading the van double-parked on the main drag in front of the club. This managed to attract the local constabulary in the form of a dyke-tough officer, who, after grilling us about registration and insurance, and licensed drivers and such, finally got to the point that they had reached "zero tolerance" about band vans unloading/loading equipment on the main drag. This had been a point of contention for several months due the fact that because the club was on a corner, the vans would block the view of traffic attempting to turn onto the main drag, presenting an obvious hazard. I bit my lip to keep from smarting off, figuring there was more to this than my smart-aleky attitude would solve, so remained respectful and business-like. We were out of there without incident, plowing down the hill to the new cabin.