Dr. Greer states "These are highly credible military and government witnesses to events and programs that, if properly disclosed, would enable America and the world to reach energy independence, without fossil fuels. Many of these witnesses have dealt directly with advanced energy and propulsion technologies that have been illegally sequestered from the public and from the legitimate government and which could have made Mid-East oil obsolete decades ago."
In addition, advanced reconnaissance and electronics breakthroughs have been compartmented into these so-called 'black projects' and have therefore not been allowed to be used by mainstream military and intelligence operations to intercept terrorists. Dr. Greer points out that these shadowy and illegal projects have "hijacked our ability to defend ourselves in addition to artificially keeping us dependent on imported Mid-East oil."
Many of these highly placed government and military witnesses have been directly involved with events or programs involved with what the public and media mistakenly call UFO's, or unidentified flying objects. Programs that are beyond Presidential or Congressional oversight have been studying this matter for over fifty years and have full knowledge of what these objects are, where they come from, and most importantly, how they operate.
These objects have been fully studied and reverse-engineered -- meaning that clandestine military-industrial programs have made major scientific breakthroughs in energy generation and propulsion that would make nuclear power and oil obsolete" explains Dr. Greer. Unfortunately, the withholding of this information from the Congress, many Presidents and the public has led to the current world crisis involving oil, energy, the environment and terrorism. Dr. Greer points out that the mainstream government has been misled and lied to about these projects and are doing their best to protect us but "have both hands tied behind their back."