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yoga I took some time on my way back from ShaktiFest to visit some old friends in Los Angeles whom I hadn't seen in over 35 years. When we last saw each other we were all in our 20s, and looking back, we were really just kids--not fully formed yet, dazed and barely awake in this big ol' world called life.

We shared our trials and breakthroughs with marriages, kids and ourselves, and I was struck by the central theme of all of our lives being spirituality. Keith had taken up meditation with his daughter, and Shawn found her spiritual peace in her art.

I extolled my 10-year love affair with yoga, and Shawn was inspired enough to say she was going to check out some yoga studios doing gentle yoga, perhaps as a way through her migraines.

To our super-literal and image-centric American culture, yoga is still mostly thought of as the postures (asanas). Indeed, even people going to yoga asana classes say, "I'm going to yoga," or I "do yoga" and everyone just knows they're in a class with people doing yoga poses.

For me, yoga has become many more things: how I pay attention, how I breathe, how I react to life, how I create, and how I am generally with my life. Even the great Patanjali, who is considered the ancient founder of yoga, gave little mention to asanas other than to say one needs to maintain a strong and flexible body in order to walk the yogic path to achieve communion with the Divine.

All that said, I do go to "yoga classes" several times a week, as it is a good focusing discipline for me to feel I'm doing something good for myself. And, it reminds me what life is really about--finding and being the Greater Better Self in Service to the Goodness of Life.

Pure Energy Rx formulas to assist Yoga:

E3 Energy Cream -- for those minor pains and discomforts that come along sometimes with the asana exercises; ALSO, Formula E1 that de-stresses and harmonizes body systems to help you be in the NOW.